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*The people have spoken and I'm going with option B. Thank you to everyone who gave me their opinions in the last chapter. If you hate what happens, blame them and spam their inboxes with strongly worded and well constructed emails. As per usual I'll address the hippogriff in the room; I did not create the Harry Potter franchise, so lady in a distant land named JK Rowling did.*

Luna knew Hermione’s job was stressful but she has never seen the witch this frazzled. Over the last three months, Luna had witnessed Hermione slowly unravel because of wedding planning. She knew from experience that wedding planning was more stressful than it needed to be but Hermione took it to another level.

“Luna, I don’t know if I can do this.”

“Do what?”

Hermione held up her left hand and pointed to her ring, “I’m ready to just take it off or elope. Right now.”

“I thought you wanted the big white wedding?” Luna asked with a curious smile.

Hermione sighed, “I do, I just don’t want to plan it any more. The wedding is in two weeks and I feel like my head is going to explode.”

“I thought you were done with everything?”

Hermione shook her head, “Nope. Draco and I have to finalize the menu, I have my last dress fitting on Friday, and I still haven’t heard back from my family on my father’s side. I thought they would at least have the decency to decline an all expense paid trip to Greece.”

In all fairness, Hermione hadn’t spoken to the Grangers in years. The Grangers didn’t like her or her mother because they believed her mother stole her father away from their family. Jean didn’t ‘steal’ William from the other Grangers, they eloped right out of dental school and didn’t tell anyone. They weren’t particularly fond of Jean before they got married and the young couple running away to tie the knot was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Hermione wasn’t angry about it or anything. Her parents’ decision wasn’t her fault, but she wished they would pick up the phone when she called.

“Why would they pass up a wonderful trip like that?”

“They aren’t very fond of me. They never have been. They think I’m the product of a wreckless marriage. When I was born, it basically threw them over the edge.”

“Try talking to them in person. They can’t avoid you if you’re right in front of them.”

“I don’t want to beg someone to come to my wedding if they don’t want to. They’ll just bring unwanted negativity.”

Hermione was stressed enough as it was, she didn’t need to drag her family to Greece if they didn’t want to go. She couldn’t wrap her head around the fact that they didn’t want to go, but she made peace with it. Well, she was trying to make peace with it. Hermione wanted her children to have a relationship with their family, and if that meant trying to patch their relationship together bit by bit, she would.

“I don’t want to talk about my less than ideal family situation,” Hermione signed, “Can we change the subject? No more wedding talk, I’ve had enough of that.”

Luna scribbled something onto a piece of parchment and gave Hermione a serious look, “Alright we’ll change the subject. Have you told him yet?”

Hermione’s pulse began to rise, “Tell who what?”

“Have you told Draco about what we discussed last week? You can’t keep it from him forever,” Luna said in a low tone.

Hermione buried her face in her hands and took a deep breath, “I’ll tell him soon, when the timing is right.”

Luna raised a questioning eyebrow, “You’ve had numerous opportunities to tell him. You see him almost everyday and you could have owled him." 

Hermione scoffed, "I've been in Argentina since Wednesday, this isn't something you can just owl-

"You need to tell him before you get married,” Luna interrupted.

“I will tell him. Soon, but I can’t just spring it up on him. He could hate me, I need to ease into it.”

“I can guarantee that Draco will not hate you. He may be overwhelmed at first, but you two need to talk.”

*What do you think this slightly no so mysterious thing is that they're talking about? I'd give you a hint but I like surprises.*

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