Miracle Worker

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*School is hard. That's all I have to say. Wait one more thing, JK Rowling, got me through school (so far) with the Harry Potter franchise so I'd like to thank her and give her credit because this fan fiction kind of sort of  is completely based off of the Harry Potter franchise.*

Planning a wedding in less than four months was like running a kilometer at top speed. Sure it could be done but afterwards it felt like your lungs were on fire and your head was spinning. Just the thought of it gave Hermione a headache but, she was never one to back down from a challenge and if it came down to it, she would just elope with Draco and go on their honeymoon so they wouldn’t have to face the dumpster fire of a big rushed ceremony.

The only bright side of this pending dumpster fire was Draco did in fact know a great wedding planner, Pansy Parkison-Zambini. She had built quite the name for herself and had pulled off some of the most extravagant magical weddings known to man. 

“Nope, not going to happen,” Pansy said with an exasperated sigh. “You want me to plan a destination wedding that’s muggle friendly, in less than four months? Draco Malfoy, you are one of my closest friends but no. I will not strain myself especially with this stupid ‘International Population Act’ bull shit going on. I’m already swamped with work.”

“Please Pans? We’ve been friends for our entire lives, please just do me a solid,” Draco begged.

Pansy rolled mer green eyes and looked at Hermione, “Are you pregnant?”

“Oh god no,” Hermione said appalled, “We don’t intend on having a baby until we are married. Plus, I want to get married next summer. Draco is the one that insists on getting married in September.”

Pansy smilled, “Okay it’s settled. There’s no reason to rush and I will look around for venues, for next summer and-”

“Can we just look at places for September and if anything comes up we can discuss it,” Draco pleaded, “I know September is close, and I know you want a summer wedding but if we had a destination wedding, it won’t matter anyway. Pansy just check for availabilities in September. If there aren’t any good ones, we will focus on next summer.”

Pansy sighed and opened a large agenda. She skimmed through page after page and her annoyed expression morphed into a hopeful one, “There are five openings for international weddings. Are you looking at a tropical setting or something a little closer?” 

“I’m okay with beaches as long as it’s not scorching,” Hermione responded.

“France, Greece, Spain, or Lithuania?”

“Greece,” The couple said in unison.

“There is an opening at a little island off the coast on the 16th of September. I know the owner and as long as you two narrow down the guest list to less than five hundred I might be able to rent out the entire resort but it’s going to cost you.”

“Price isn’t an option,” Draco said quickly.

“I’ll send him an owl and I’ll hopefully get back to you two this afternoon on when you can tour the resort but no promises.”


Hermione would classify Pansy Parkison-Zambaini as a miracle worker. She had managed to book an entire resort on a beautiful private island for a wedding that’s less than four months away. Hermione didn’t know how many strings Pansy had to pull or how many favors the woman had to cash in, but Hermione was completely and utterly impressed with the raven haired woman. Now that they had the location, it was only a matter of time before the rest of the wedding fell into place.

*I know Lithuania is a land locked country, don't at me.*

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