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*Holy crapers this story hit a 100 reads. To be honest, I'm surprised it passed more than 12. Now that my little fan girl moment is over it's time to fan girl over another icon, JK Rowling. That wonderful queen wrote the Harry Potter franchise. All rights go to her.*

It was December twelfth and the holidays were approaching quickly. It was strange for him to be in the holiday spirit because Draco's family never celebrated Christmas. They would exchange gifts in the morning then ignore each other until Draco made his back to Hogwarts. Most years he would stay at Hogwarts with Crabbe and Goyle instead of wasting his holiday with a family that ignored him.

This Christmas would be different for Draco because he had someone who cared about him. Over the last few months Draco and Hermione had grown more and more fond of each other. About a month ago, Draco asked Hermione to officially be his girlfriend. She laughed in his face, told him that he was stuck with her for the long haul and accepted his offer. Now Draco is determined to buy Hermione a nice gift to show that being stuck with him isn't the worst thing that could happen.

Draco walked into Madame Marta's Jewelry Shop with high expectations. Madame Marta's was quite expensive but Hermione was worth every sickle. She works so had at her job and Hermione still makes time for Draco. Sometimes it's just a letter or a short walk in the park but every moment is precious to Draco so he wanted to give her something nice to show his appreciation.

"Welcome to Madame Marta's Jewelry Shop, I'm Madama Marta how can I help you," a short woman in auburn robes said with a smile.

"I'm looking for a Christmas present for my girlfriend. Nothing too flashy she usually wears simple pieces."

Madame Marta lead Draco towards a case overflowing with flashy jewelry, "What's your budget, Mr. Malfoy?" Madame Marta asked.

"I don't have one," Draco replied.

Madame Marta's eyes sparkled, "I think I have a few pieces that might interest you."

Madame Marta laid out various pieces of jewelry all ranging in size and color but none of them were what Draco was looking for. Every piece was large and dripped with diamonds. Hermione would never wear any of this, it's all flashy and extravagant, Draco thought.

"This is all a bit much, do you have something simple?"

The woman nods and shows Draco a dainty gold round pendant necklace, "It's twenty four karat gold, very simple, goblin made, and one of a kind."

"How much?"

"Five hundred galleons."

Draco wrote down his vault information and address then handed it to Madame Marta, "Please have it wrapped and shipped to this address before Christmas."

"Of course Mr. Malfoy."


When Draco arrived at his flat there were two owls perched on his balcony. One was carrying a gift bag from Madame Marta's and the other had a small scowl tied to it's leg. He gave each bird a treat and took their respective deliveries. The bird from Madame Marta's flew away but the other flew into Draco's flat and perched itself onto his kitchen counter to wait for Draco's reply.

Draco unrolled the scowl and read.

Love, I know you don't normally celebrate the holidays but I wanted to invite you to Christmas dinner with my family. You don't have to decide now but I'd love for you to come.


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