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*Sooooo I started writing a fremione fanfic and I kind if sort of posted it on my page... it's called "Jokes and Roses". Read it after this chapter (only if you want to because there is this thing called free will if you haven't heard of it I totally suggest checking it out). Also shout out to my home gurl J.K. Rowling, author of the Harry Potter franchise.*

*please go check out "Jokes and Roses" I promise you won't regret it!*

Needless to say, Hermione continued vomiting for the next two weeks. Even though they agreed that Draco would take Hermione to St Madango’s if her symptoms continued, it still took a great deal of convincing and a few bribes to get her to go. So after several days of arguing over when the appointment should be, and Hermione insisting that she was not stalling the appointment any longer, Draco finally escorted his wife to St. Mungo's. They apparated to the hospital, checked with the welcome witch, and took the lift to the third floor. When the lift doors opened, the couple walked hand and hand to the receptionist's desk to check in.

Hermione cleared her throat and a woman wearing rather thick glasses peered up at her, “Hello my name is Hermione Granger-Malfoy, and I have an appointment with Healer Addams.”

The woman scanned the parchment in front of her and smiled, “Of course, down the hall and it will be the fourth room to your left.”

They walked into the exam room and Hermione took a seat on the exam table. Draco stood next to her and rubbed soothing circles on his wife’s back. Draco could sense her nervousness. He knew she wanted answers and the uncertainty took a toll on both of them. They wanted a future and the law took away their security. Draco couldn’t help but feel guilty about the entire situation. If he wasn’t born into a family of lunatics, their child may have survived.

“Everything is going to be alright,” Draco said attempting to reassure his wife.

Hermione shook her head, “You don’t know that.”

Draco pulled her into a tight embrace, “Don’t say that.”

There was a light knock then Healer Addams came through the door, “Hello lovebirds, what brings you here?”

“The symptoms haven’t stopped. She’s still vomiting constantly and I can tell she’s tired all the time, even if she doesn’t say anything.”

Healer Addams took a few notes on the parchment in front of her and nodded, “Draco I appreciate your input but I would like to hear your wife’s concerns.”

“He right,” Hermione voiced, “I’ve been extremely fatigued. I can barely keep anything down and the smell of coffee makes me want to vomit. Sometimes I actually vomit.”

Healer Addams stopped writing and looked at Hermione, “Is your period consistent?”

“Yes but it’s been really light.”

“Please explain,” the healer responded.

“Normally it lasts for about six days but recently it’s been two days maximum.”

“Can you lay down for me?” the Healer asked, “I just want to examine you.”

Hermione laid down on the cushioned table and Healer Addams lightly pressed on her stomach. As Healer Addams’ hands moved across Hermione’s abdominals, her face grew more and more puzzled. When she brought out her wand, Hermione grew concerned.

“Is everything alright?”

Healer Addams nodded, “I’m just doing an ultrasound.” The older witch waved her wand and a black and white hologram appeared a few centimeters above Hermione’s stomach. Healer Addams analyzed the hologram and waved her wand again. The hologram floated to the middle of the room and the Healer smiled, “You can sit up now.”

Hermione sat up and peered at the Healer, “Is there anything you can tell us?”

“I have good news. There is nothing wrong with you, Hermione. From what we know about the lavender, it attacks your endocrine system and causes your hormone cycles to fall off course so your body registers the fetus as an intruder. The potion I prescribed basically restarted your endocrine system and put you in an extremely fertile state and forced the lavender out of your system.”

“So my body thinks I’m pregnant?” Hermione questioned.

“You were on the potion for five months and it greatly increased your chances at conceiving a child, so I advised you not to drink until we did out final check up. Hermione, you are pregnant. Around nine weeks or so. Everything looks fine from the ultrasound but I want to run a few tests to ensure that the fetus is growing properly.”

Marriage Law (Dramione) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now