Christmas Eve

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*If you're looking for something funny and kind of scandalous watch one Kathrine Ryan's comedy specials in Netflix. 10 out 10 highly recommended. I also highly recommend the Harry Potter books by JK Rowling because she wrote the wonderful universe that this story takes place in.*

Draco’s apartment looked like pine trees and silver ribbons threw up everywhere. He was never one to celebrate Christmas but this year was special. Draco invited Hermione to stay at his place on Christmas Eve. He didn’t think she would accept his offer this early into their relationship but she did and he was absolutely pumped. He ordered her favorite chinese take away and even decorated his flat with an explosion of holiday decor. Draco wanted everything to be perfect because this was their first Christmas together.

The doorbell rang and Draco practically ran to answer it. At the door was Hermione looking as lovely as ever. She was carrying gift bags and smiling from ear to ear, “Hello Draco.”

He took the gift bags and planted a sweet kiss on her lips, “Hello darling.”

Draco led Hermione into the kitchen and she instantly smiled, “You ordered my favorite?”

He nodded, “And I bought stuff to make Christmas biscuits.”

Hermione transfigured her coat into an apron and walked over to the sink to wash her hands. She pulled an assortment of ingredients and tools out of Draco’s cabinets.

“Do you want to eat first?”

Hermione shook her head, “We can eat when the cookies are in the oven.”

Draco shrugged and took the butter and eggs out of the refrigerator, “So how do we do this?”

Hermione dumped a stick of butter and some sugar in a silver mixing bowl and handed it to Draco, “Mix this while I preheat the oven and open a bottle of wine.”

Draco was not acustum to domestic arts. He barely knew how to cook so ordering take away was a regular occurrence. Whenever Hermione cooked him a meal, he felt like she truly cared for him. He never pictured a traditional little wife that stayed home with their children and cooked dinner for him every night after he came home from his nine to five day job. Draco wanted to be the one who stayed home with their children and welcomed his wife with a nice home cooked or take out dinner. He desperately wanted someone to take care of and love and Hermione was the perfect person to pour all of his affection into.

They put the cookies into the oven and Draco set a timer. They cleaned up their mess and sat at the kitchen counter to enjoy the now cold chinese take away. 

They laughed and talked and then Hermione noticed smoke coming from the oven, “Draco, how long did you set that timer for?”

Draco glanced at the timer on the oven, “Twelve minutes.”

“I think you set it for a hundred and twenty minutes. There’s still eighty minutes on the timer and there’s smoke coming from the oven.” Hermione walked over to the oven and opened the oven door. She was greeted by a cloud of smoke that she expertly made it disappear with a wave of her hand. 

She levitated the tray onto the counter and Draco came face to face with his burnt masterpiece, “Maybe I left them in for a little too long.” 

Draco dumped the cookies into the bin and put a fresh batch into the oven. The next few  attempts came out perfect. By the time they finished baking, their containers’ of chinese take away were halfway empty and they were a little closer in proximity. Hermione had a bright smile on her face and 

“I’m going to get your Christmas present. Stay here and close your eyes,” Hermione ordered. Draco did what he was told and tightly shut his eyes. “Okay open.”

Draco opened his eyes and smirked. Hermione was standing in front of him wearing a red satin robe, tightly tied in a neat bow. She strutted towards him and released her from her ponytail and let her brown curls fall down her shoulders.

“Aren’t you going to unwrap it?” Hermione asked in a mischievous tone.

Draco tugged on the bow and the robe fell to the ground. He gulped. Hermione was wearing red lacy lingerie that hugged her every curve and complemented her deep skin tone. Draco was a sucker for lingerie. She took his hands and placed them on her hips then wrapped her arms around his neck.

She tugged lightly on his hair and planted soft kisses on his jaw, “Happy Christmas, Draco.”

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