Two Minutes To Midnight

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*Just so you know, you're probably going to hate me BUT you could never hate JK Rowling, the inventor of the Harry Potter franchise. Plus, I've warned that something is going to happen in the previous author's notes so you should be prepared, kind of. Happy 2020.*


An uneasy feeling in Draco’s chest urged him to wake up. He looked towards his left and he saw his wife perched on the edge of their bed with her face buried in her hands.

Draco sat up and turned his bedside lamp on, “Hermione? Is everything alright?” Hermione removed her hands and turned towards Draco. She looked a little pale and Draco could tell the smile on her face was forced. He had noticed that Hermione felt under the weather these last few days and he tried making her cups of lavender tea and drawing her hot baths when she came home from work, but nothing seemed to work.

“Yes, I’m fine. I’m just going to get a glass of water.”

“I’ll get it for you-”

Hermione waved off Draco’s offer and stood up, “No go back to sleep-” Before she could finish her sentence, Hermione’s small frame crumpled onto the floor. 

Draco jumped out of bed and knelt next to his wife, “Hermione? Love can you hear me?” She didn’t respond. He placed two fingers on her neck and checked for a heart beat. There was a weak pulse and her heart was beating slower than normal. “Stay with me, love everything will be alright.”


Draco paced up and down the hallways of the emergency ward of St. Mungo’s. A team of Healers took Hermione away over an hour ago and they haven’t given him any updates. Whatever happened must have been serious because Draco hadn’t anticipated a response like this. Hermione just seemed more stressed than usual and he just thought she was getting a little cold, but this was much worse than a little cold. ‘A little cold’ won’t make a person pass out with with little to no warning, they might have a runny nose or a sore throat, but they wouldn’t react like that.

“Mr. Malfoy?” Draco turned around and came face to face with a woman wearing light blue medical robes, “I’m Healer Addams. I have some news about your wife’s condition.”

“Can I see her?” His voice cracked on the last word as he attempted to calm himself down.

“Yes, you can, but I think it would be best if we spoke in private first.”

“Of course, please lead the way.” Healer Adams lead Draco down the hall into a small room with comfortable chairs and warm lighting. The entire space was comforting and made Draco feel at eze. “Is Hermione alright?”

“Mr. Malfoy, your wife is going to be alright and she will make a full recovery but I have some dreadful news. I don’t know if you were aware but your wife was around ten weeks pregnant.”

Draco’s heart dropped. He didn’t know. Hermione never mentioned anything and their stash of muggle pregnancy tests sat untouched in their bathroom drawer. Hermione promished Draco if there was any signs of her being pregnant, she would tell him and she would take the test when they were together. Even though Draco knew the answer to his question, he had to ask anyway, “Was?”

“Your wife suffered a miscarrage. We did everything we could, but there was nothing we could do. There isn’t one particular reason for a miscarrage but-”

“Does she know?”

Healer Addams face fell, “We gave her a pain drought so she’s a bit incoherent right now but she should be more alert within the next few hours. I thought it would be best to break the news then.”

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