The Ball Part Two

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*What type of crazy person gives out homework on the first day or school? Let me tell you, IB teachers. Why? I don't know but it was stupid. Someone who's not stupid, actually she's brilliant,  is JK Rowling. She wrote the the Harry Potter Franchis, if you were unaware.*

Harry Potter never thought he would have a civilized conversation with Draco Malfoy, let alone be acquaintances but, Harry can gladly say that’s he’s accomplished both. Most of the time they stuck to safe topics like quidditch and the weather but they could still hold a conversation for a whopping twenty minutes without running out of things to say. But sadly, they’ve reached the twenty minute mark and veered into uncharted territory.

“So how are things with you and Hermione?” Harry asked.

“They’re going well. She’s a bit stressed with work and anything so I’ve been trying to help her relax, if you know what I mean,” Draco said with a wink.

Harry scowled and crossed his arms, “I’m not sure I ‘know what you mean’.”

“Forget I said anything. How are things with Ginny? You’ve been married for-”

“Four years. We’re doing great. James is finally old enough for a sitter and Teddy helps out as much as he can so we’ve gotten to go out more often.”

The conversation died and Harry and Draco stared at their drinks. Luckily Hermione noticed their lack of conversation and came to their rescue, “What are you boys talking about?”

“Draco was just telling me all the different ways he helps you relax,” Harry said.

“He did? What else did he tell you because I’m very interested.”

“Harry, would you mind taking my drink so I can dance with my loving and oh so forgiving fiance?” Draco asked with a desperate look in his eye. Harry nodded and took Draco’s glass of whiskey.

Draco guided Hermione to the dancefloor and gently placed his hands on her hips. She wrapped her arms around his neck and smiled, “You know you’re not off the hook, right?”

“Oh please I didn’t tell him anything. When I was subtle about it he nearly had a panic attack.”

“It’s such a shame that you’re not getting any tonight because I’m wearing the saucy little number under this dress,” Hermione teased.

Draco raised an eyebrow, “Why don’t you describe it to me. Just so I know what I’m missing.”

“It’s black and lacy and there are quite a couple of straps so I was going to let you rip it off of me if you couldn’t figure out the buckles but I’ll just have to help myself-”

“I’ll gladly help you, if you need it.”

“That’s so kind of you.”


All Draco wanted to do was rip Hermione’s dress off of her and kiss every inch of her hazelnut colored skin until the sun came up but she insisted on taking the carriage back to her apartment. She also insisted on rubbing circles on his inner thigh and reprimanded all of his attempts to unzip her black gown.

Draco couldn’t contain himself anymore so when they finally reached her apartment door, he scooped her up and unlocked the door with wandless magic.

“Patient much?” Hermione commented.

Draco kicked the door closed and set Hermione down on her kitchen counter, “Nope.” Hermione giggled and Draco crashed his lips into hers.

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