Too Many Gingers

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*Hello, I wanted to bring up something that I commented in another fanfic. It's nothing bad so calm yourself, I just wanted to say that we should all start teaching babies to give handshakes instead of high fives. A great handshake is the sign if a future leader of the world, it teaches manors, and confidence. Join me on the quest to teach all the babies in the world how to shake hands. Also, if you ever get to shake JK Rowling's hand, fan girl and tell her how much you love the Harry Potter franchise, but remember to keep the handshake firm.*

The morning after the ball a series of loud banging woke Hermione from her peaceful slumber. She untangled herself from Draco’s warm embrace and wrapped herself in her blue satin robe. She made it to the door and the banging just continued.

“I’m coming!” Hermione opened the door without looking and instantly regretted it. On the other side was the Weasley clan and all of their ginger glory, “Hello guys, what are you doing here?”

“You didn’t show up for brunch so we decided to come and check on you,” Ron said.

Hermione sighed and stepped aside so they could come into her flat, “I’m sorry I didn’t owl. If I’m being honest, I just woke up.”

Bill gave her a questioning glance, “You never sleep past ten.”

“‘Mione, Who’s trousers are these?” George asked with a wide grin plastered across his face. “And is that your gown on you kitchen floor?” 

Hermione blushed, “As much as I love having you lot here, I think it’s time for you to g-”

“‘Mione? Darling? Have you seen my pants- Oh hello, Weasleys. Potter.” Draco was dressed in nothing but his boxers and his blond hair looked completely disheveled.

“Potters. With an s, you know we’re married,” Ginny scowled.

“Duly noted, Mrs. Potter.”

“My, my, Mionie I knew you were an overachiever but I didn’t think you’d be so quick to have a baby,” Percy said with a smug smile.

“Okay that’s it. Everybody out or I hex you until you can’t talk anymore,” Hermione yelled.

“With what wand?” Ron challenged.

“Ronald Billus Weasley, do you really think I need a wand?”

Ron gulped, “I think it’s time for us to leave.”


“Draco if you don’t hurry up, we’ll be late! We have an appointment with the wedding planner!”

Hermione hated being late. She preferred to be fifteen minutes early to everything and the appointment with the wedding planner stated in less than fifteen minutes.

“Draco! Hurry up!” 

Draco came out of Hermione’s bedroom dressed in a crisp white button up shirt, grey trousers, and no shoes, “Have you seen my shoes? I think I misplaced them.”

“Draco, your shoes are by the door, where they always are,” Hermione replied in an irritated tone. “We have to be there in less than ten minutes, put your shoes on so we can leave.”

Draco walked over to the very stressed out Hermione Granger and wrapped his arms around her tiny waist, “Hermione, everything will be alright. The world won’t end if we’re less than fifteen minutes early. Live a little.”

Hermione attempted to squirm out of his arms but his grip was too strong, “Draco, let go so we can go.”

Draco smirked then lifted Hermione onto the kitchen counter, “In five minutes.”

“Draco please, we don’t have time for this.”

He shook his head, “You have been stressing over this wedding ever since we got engaged. You need to relax. Just take a few deep breaths and then we’ll leave.”

That’s completely true. Hermione had been running around non stop to prepare for their wedding. She wanted everything to be perfect and she did everything in her power to look over every detail, big or small. Draco just wanted her to take a step back and breathe. If she stresses over their wedding too much, she won’t be able to enjoy it. It’s her special day, she deserves to enjoy it.

Hermione took a few deep breaths and leaned her head against Draco’s chest, “I’m sorry. We’re just on a tight schedule and I want to make sure everything is perfect.”

“As long as we get married, everything will be perfect. We don’t need anything extravagant, we just need an officiant, ourselves, and a few witnesses.”

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