Hey There Dahlias

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*reminder: JK Rowling owns the rights to the wonderful world of Harry Potter. But I do take credit for making up Jill.*

Hermonie walked into her office at exactly nine o'clock. Her assistant, Jill, was already sorting through files to give to Hermione. They greeted each other with a good morning and Hermione retreated into her office to begin her work. Today she was tackling a pile of translations for the auror department. They had apprehended a group of spanish wizards attempting to create a new league of wizard supremacists. All of their plans were written in farsi and and were quite difficult to decode. When they were translated from farsi to english, they became jumbled and confusing so they required a certain level of expertise. Hermione was the only person in her department who could sufficiently read and translate the ancient language from farsi, to spanish, to english.

Hermione was halfway through the second page of farsi translations when a loud knock plagued at her door. She yelled a bright 'come in' and Jill came through the door carrying a massive bouquet of colorful dahlias.

Jill placed the vase on Hermione's desk, "I'm sorry to bother you but these just arrived."

"Oh these are gorgeous, who are they from?" Hermione questioned.

"The delivery man didn't say but there is a card." Jill replied

"Okay thank you, Jill."

Jill took that as her que to leave and exited the office. Hermione sniffed the sweet flowers and plucked the card out of it's holder.

I know we just saw each other but I wanted to invite you to lunch. Say noon?


Hermione smiled and sent off her reply.


Draco was having quite a boring day. He sold a house the previous friday and ignored the rather large stack of paperwork that came along with the property. He needed to prepare for the final inspection, schedule a final walk through with the future owners, and write up a contract. He could have knocked all of this out within an hour but he couldn't get ahold of the future owners or the contractor to schedule their respective meetings. He called the contracting company three times and each time they put him on hold and hung up after thirty minutes. Draco was growing more and more frustrated when an unknown owl tapped on his office window.

Draco opened the window and the owl flew over to his desk and perched itself on the edge. He grabbed a box of owl treats out of his desk and gave a few to the large brown bird. The bird held out its leg and Draco took the scroll attached.

Lunch sounds great, pick me up at my office.


Draco hated to admit it but Blaise Zabini actually came up with a good idea. Who knew flowers could land him another date with a beautiful woman?

Ten minutes until noon Draco slipped on his coat and walked to the ministry. As he walked to Hermione's office Draco witnessed copious whispers and stares. This was a constant occurrence in his life, especially when he visited wizarding communities. He couldn't blame them, he's a former death eater walking wherever he pleases without any repercussions. Many wizards believed Draco should be locked up in Azkaban alongside other dangerous criminals but he already served his time. Draco spent nearly a year in Azkaban while he was awaiting his trial. Each day he spent inside of those cold stone walls was another day he couldn't wait to redeem himself and make up for the thing she did in his youth.

When Draco finally reached Hermione's office, the only thing standing between them is a raven haired woman in a stiff looking blazer.

"Ms. Granger asked not to be disterbed, I can take a message," the woman remarked.

"We have plans for lunch so-" Draco attempted to bypass the stiff woman and make a break for the door but his feet were glued to the floor after a few steps. "Listen lady, I don't want any trouble I just want to see Hermione."

"I'm sorry," she hesitated, "Sir, but I cannot let that happen."

Draco muttered reglutino, the counter curse, and made a break for the office door.

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