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*Sorry for not updating yesterday a karaoke party was calling my name and I was out pretty late but to make up for it I'm posting an extra long chapter. There's a picture if Hermione's dress at the end if the chapter. PSA, I don't own anything, JK Rowling came up with the wizarding world of Harry Potter first.*

Hermione’s mother taught her to do many things but there are three that she took to heart. She taught her to always be herself even when people don’t accept her, to keep up her studies because education is priceless, and that cooking is the way to any man’s heart. To show off the skills Hermione learned, she’s invited Malfoy over for a home cooked meal. She’s gone all out with a charcuterie board, shepherd's pie, roasted vegetables, and a homemade raspberry tart for dessert. 

It had been a few weeks since Malfoy and Hermione went on their first date and everything was going swimmingly. Everytime he was around, she just wanted to smile. He was funny and charming and he actually paid attention to what she said, even when it was ridiculously boring. Last time they were together, she ranted about the language of farsi for two hours and he held on to her every word. Malfoy made her feel wanted and appreciated, and she couldn’t be more grateful. Hermione wanted to use this dinner to show her gratitude and make Malfoy feel just as wanted and appreciated.

After Hermione put the shepherd’s pie and vegetables into the oven, she went to her bedroom to get dressed. She had laid a green dress out on her bed, but she was second guessing her choice. The emerald color complemented her tanned skin tone, but the hemline was a tad short. Hermione slipped into the dress and gasped. It seemed longer in the store but it barely went past Hermione’s mid thigh. Hermione walked over to her wardrobe to search for a more appropriate dress but Malfoy, being the punctual wizard he was, rang her doorbell. Hermione cursed to herself, slipped on a pair of cream colored flats, and ran to the door.

Draco had been standing in front of Hermione’s flat door for nearly ten minutes. He was early and he didn’t know whether or not he should knock or ring the doorbell. If he didn’t knock loud enough Hermione wouldn’t hear him and if he knocked too loud he might startle her. For the love of Salazar, get and grip and ring the bloody door bell, Draco thought.

Draco smiled as soon as his grey eyes met her brown ones. Hermione looked absolutely beautiful with her brown curls cascading down her shoulders and her green dotted dress showed off her endless legs. Draco pulled a bouquet of flowers from behind his back and gave them to Hermione, “Hello. I didn’t know your favorite do I bought lilies.”

Hermione sniffed the flowers and smiled, “They’re lovely.” She stepped aside and gestured for Draco to follow her, “Dinner should be ready in a few minutes but I have some appetizers to snack on.”

Hermione’s flat was exactly how Draco imagined; homey and filled with books. There were two place settings set up at her dining table along with a cheese board and a bottle of red wine. Draco pulled out a chair for Hermione and she gracefully sat down. He sat down in the spot adjacent from her and she poured him a glass of wine.

As they ate and discussed their weeks, Draco realized that he realized that he was falling for Hermione. She was everything he could have asked for in a partner and then some. She was uniquely herself and utterly gorgeous in every way. The way her nose curves to the fullness of her lips to the little freckles that dot her deep skin, every aspect of her was gorgeous.

“You’re beautiful,” Draco said when they were halfway through dessert, “and a panominal cook. How did I get so lucky?”

“What?” Hermione questioned.

“You’re a panominal cook.”

“No before that.”

Draco interlaces his free hand with Hermione’s, “You’re beautiful in every single way. You are kind and nurturing, not to mention drop dead gorgeous.”

Hermione blushed and looked away from him, “You’re just saying that.”

Draco shook his head, “No, I mean every word.”

Hermione suddenly leaned across the table and planted a soft kiss on Draco’s lips. Draco’s heart skipped a beat, “Woah.” 

Hermione’s eyes widened, “I’m sorry I just-”

“Don’t apologize for kissing me,” Draco said, “It was quite nice. I would have kissed you earlier but I’m a bit of a chicken.”

“Oh please, you aren’t a ch-”

Draco cut her off with another kiss. She leaned towards him and he placed a hand on her waist. Draco pulled Hermione closer and she responded by deepening the kiss. Hermione gently bit his lip, asking for entrance and Draco happily obliged. They fought for dominance but in the end, she won. They broke their kiss and stared at one another, breathless.

“Yeah you’re definitely not a chicken.”

*imagine this but shorter

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*imagine this but shorter.*

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