Restless Nights

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*No your clock isn't wrong, I'm just updating before the dead of night. By the way I just noticed how many author's notes have stupid typos in them. Wow, it's kind of funny. Also, all rights go to JK Rowling because, ya know she created the characters, not me.*

“So Draco,” Luna said, “how’s your relationship with Hermione?”

His relationship with Hermione was perfect in every way. They fought but they always settled their arguments instead of sweeping them under the rug and pretending like they didn’t exist. Even though they both had busy schedules they still made time for each other and had a date night every Thursday even if it was just a simple walk in the park or a cup of tea. When Hermione went to Spain for two weeks, he surprised her with a bouquet of fresh red roses and a bottle of her favorite pinot noir.

“It’s everything I’ve ever wanted in a relationship.”

“So that’s why you bought the house.”

Draco gave Luna a sheepish grin, “Yeah but we aren’t moving in until after the wedding.”

“So you finally proposed?”

He nodded, “I asked her yesterday. She’ll probably tell you about it tomorrow.”

“Congratulations. How are you two on the expansion portion of the International Population Expansion Act?”

“We aren’t actively trying for a baby but…” Draco trailed off and his face turned beet red.

Luna raised a questionable eyebrow, “Let me guess, you’re having unprotected sex.”

“Yeah occasionally.”

“Last time we talked about sex, you were quite open, why the sudden change?”

“Hermione isn’t some random hook up, I want to spend the rest of my life with her. If your husband told the entire world about your sex life, would you like it?”

“Actually Rolf and I are quite open with our relationship. I use my relationship as a learning tool with certain clients if they’re discouraged about their efforts with having a baby or with intimacy with their partner. Rolf and I have had our own setbacks and rough patches.”

“Such as?”

“Well we tried for over a year to get pregnant and I found out a week ago that I’m about eight weeks along.”

“Congratulations, Luna. I’m sure you and Rolf are ecstatic.”

“Oh that’s an understatement,” Luna replied


Draco woke up in a cold sweat. His heart was racing and his breathing was ragged. Draco hadn’t had a nightmare this bad in nearly four months and this one was particularly disturbing. Hermione was in front of him, screaming in pain and crying with hot tears streaming down her face but Draco couldn’t do anything. He kept running towards her but she just got further and further away. When he finally caught up to Hermione, she disappeared. Vanished into thin air without a trace. He called out for her and he only heard her cries in response.

I just need to make sure she’s okay.

Draco knocked on Hermione’s apartment door and anxiously waited for her to open the door. When his silver eyes met with her brown ones, Draco wrapped his arms around Hermione and buried his face in the crook of her neck.

“Draco? Where are your clothes, are you alright-”

“I just needed to make sure you were okay.” Hermione ushered Draco into her living room and they sat on the couch. She rubbed soothing circles into Draco’s back and he snuggled deeper into her neck, “I’m sorry Hermione I just needed to see your face.”

“It’s alright, darling. But what happened? I’ve never seen you like this.”

“I- I had a dream. And I couldn’t help you and you disappeared. Just like that and I tried to find you and I couldn’t. I thought I lost you.”

Hermione silenced Draco, “I’m not going anywhere. I’m right here, okay? I’m not going to leave you. I will always be here for you.”

Marriage Law (Dramione) (Completed)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora