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*I have to confess something. I have an obsession with the Harry Potter franchise. Thank  you JK Rowling for creating it.*

Walking around a half renovated hotel wearing a neon yellow hard hat was not Draco’s ideal date night. The love of his life insisted on overseeing the renovations of their business venture herself, so they were spending their Thursday night date night with an interior designer to finalize the decor for lobby, employee spaces, four ballrooms and suites. They had a general idea of what they wanted to do, they just needed to decide on an emblem to monogram on their specialty items and a color scheme. 

The interior designer conjured a table and chair set in the middle of the unfinished lobby and laid out a few different color coded poster boards, “These are the plans I came up with based on our last meeting.”

All of the drawings were beautiful and classic but entirely too boring for Draco’s tastes. It looked like she just took a few pictures of famous old hotels and slapped them on a piece of paper along with swatches of cheap fabric that are supposed to look expensive. When he had told her to be cost efficient with her plans, he didn’t expect her to cut this many corners.

“Margaret, these are a bit underwhelming,” Draco said in a disappointed tone, “The red and bronze theme is classic but over done.”

“So is the tan and green,” Hermione added. “And the interior of the rooms just look cheap. I’m scared to touch the swatches.”

Margaret’s face fell, “I have other plans but they’re going to cost more to produce. I know you told me to be cost efficient-”

“Let’s see your other plans and we will work something out,” Draco said with a hopeful smile. 

Draco really didn’t want to hire a different interior designer, Margaret had shown a lot of promise last time they spoke. Plus, finding a witch willing to work on a hotel that could cater to muggles and wizarding kind was difficult enough. Margaret’s references were top notch but this was her first massive project.

Margret waved her wand and two more boards appeared on the table, “These will run you quite a bit more but they’re more original.”

These plans were detailed and modern while still paying homage to the classic architecture of the building. Everything looked luxurious without being uninviting. There was light blue and cream color scheme with hints of gold and little stars woven throughout. The suites had intricately carved four poster beds with matching nightstands and dressers. They were beautifully decorated and the silky cream bed sheets looked very inviting. 

“All of the gold pieces are goblin made and the furniture pieces are handmade by a german family. They’re one of a kind but the company is willing to produce enough pieces to fill the hotel by the end of the month,” Marget said.

“These are exceptional,” Hermione said with a bright smile, “Do you have the emblems?”

Margaret nodded enthusiastically, “You never gave me a name so I just called it ‘The Example Hotel’.” She waved her wand again and a few pieces of parchment appeared in front of Hermione and Draco. On each piece of paper was “The Example Hotel” written in various fonts and colors. 

None of them really caught his eye until Hermione pointed to one written in perfectly swirled golden letters, “This one.”

“Are you two in agreement?” Margaret asked, looking towards Draco to confirm.

Draco nodded, “Hermione has great taste. How much is this going to run me?”

Margaret gulped, “Around three point five million galleons.”

Draco scribbled his vault information on the piece of parchment with the logo and set it on the table, “Here’s my vault information. If you have any trouble just owl me.”

“Thank you Mr. Malfoy. I just need the name of the hotel so I can get everything monogrammed.” 

Draco’s eyes widened and he looked towards Hermione, “I didn’t think of that.”

“You could call it The Malfoy Hotel,” Margaret suggested.

Draco shook his head, “I’m not the most liked person in the world. We Should name it after Hermione.”

Hermione scoffed, “That’s a terrible idea.”

Draco raised an eyebrow and challenged the witch, “Okay go on, miss ‘brightest witch of her age’ what’s your idea?” Hermione flicked her hand and the words on example emblem shifted. “l'Étoile Bleue? What does that mean?” Draco asked.

“The Blue Star,” Hermione replied, “With the decor and the little stars throughout the plans, it makes since. Plus, it’s a tradition in your family to name children after constellations and stars so it’s an ode to our family without being overbearing.”

“You’re quite clever.” Draco smirked and planted a kiss on Hermione’s cheek, “So you want to continue that tradition?”

Hermione smiled and pinched Draco’s cheek, “Put a ring on it before you ask me that again.”

Margaret’s eyes widened, “You two were paired together for the law?”

“Yes we were,” Hermione said, “We haven’t told the public yet and we would also appreciate it if you’d keep that to yourself.”

“Of course Ms. Granger.”

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