What's In The Box

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*Okay so, someone DMed me and it dissapeared when I tried to open it.  I don't know it Wattpad lost its shit or something but if that was you, you can resend it or forget about it because this is the internet and you can basically do whatever you want as long as it's not super illegal. You know what's also super illegal, not giving credit to JK Rowling for writing the Harry Potter books, because she did.*

A certain aspect of translations calmed Hermione. Pages and pages of messages that she could decode so they could reach a wider audience. They were like a satisfying puzzle she could get lost in. Hermione got so lost in these translations that she didn’t notice an angry looking Ginny Potter come through her office pushing a baby carriage into her office.

The translation Hermione was working on suddenly flew off of her desk. Her eyes followed the flying pieces of parchment and they gracefully landed into her friend Ginny’s hands. 

“Hello Mrs. Potter-”

“Don’t ‘hello Mrs. Potter’ me,” Ginny interrupted. “You were supposed to come over and have lunch with James and I fifteen minutes ago. You could have owled and canceled but instead you just sat in your little office and played with your stupid translations.”

Hermione could tell that Ginny didn’t mean to insult her work, Ginny was just a little cranky from the lack of sleep. There were bags under Ginny’s brown eyes and she appearance was completely dissolved. Her shirt was inside out and her normally sleek red hair was frizzy and all over the place.

“JILL,” Hermione yelled. Jill entered Hermione’s office, “Jill could you get us a pot of lavender tea, please? And those little scones Ginny likes? You know, the orange ones.”

“Ofcourse, anything else?” Jill asked.

Hermione shook her head, “No that’s all. Ginny would you like to have a seat?”

Ginny huffed but nonetheless took a seat in a chair across from Hermione, “You know I’m not allowed to have a lot of caffeine, I’m breastfeeding.”

“It’s herbal tea, Ginny you can have a cup or two,” Hermione replied. “And I’m sorry for missing our lunch date, I got a little caught up with work. How’s James?”

Ginny released a deep sigh, “He is so cute. I just wish he would sleep for longer than an hour. This is the first time we’ve been out and I’m just glad he’s not screaming his little head off.”

“He’s only a few weeks old, Gin. He’s going to cry but if you ever need a break, I’d be happy to watch him for you.” 

Jill entered Hermione’s office with a silver tray with a plate piled high with different flavored scones and a pale blue tea set. Jill set the tea set down and quickly scurried out of the office. Hermione poured two cups of tea and placed one in front of Ginny. Ginny inhaled the sent and quickly relaxed. 

She took a sip of her tea and out of the corner of her eye she noticed an unopened black gift box under a folder on Hermione’s desk, “Hermione, who’s the present from?” 

Hermione choked on her tea, “It’s just a little homework assignment from Luna. I haven’t opened it yet.”

Ginny raised one of her perfectly sculpted eyebrows, “Hermione Granger not doing her homework, that’s unheard of.” The ginger picked up the box and began to untie the satin bow holding it shut. Hermione reached for the box but it was too late, Ginny had already opened the parcel, “I know Luna’s job is to encourage you to shag Draco but this is a new level-”

Hermione snatched the box away from Ginny and closed it immediately, “That was private.”

“You don’t even know what it is.”

That’s completely true, she didn’t even know what was in the box. Hermione suspected that Luna just put a box of condoms in fancy black packaging so Hermione would be comfortable carrying around the provocative object.

“You should guess what it is. I’ll give you a hint, it’s red and dainty-”

“Ginny that’s enough.”

“You’re bad at this game,” Ginny said, “I’ll just tell you. It’s lingerie and a couple of condoms. I think the lingerie is the fun part. You should wear it for Draco the next time you have sexy time or it could be a really fun Christmas present. We could wrap you in a robe and tie a cute little bow around you and-”

“Stop Gin, please just stop,” Hermione interrupted, “Draco and I haven’t had ‘sexy time’ yet. I don’t know if we’re going to have sexy time unless we do Luna’s assignment. I told her I was a bit apprehensive about taking the next step with Draco because I was afraid of rushing things. Her solution was to be upfront and ask him.”

“That’s a great idea and if everything goes well, I still think the whole, ‘my body is your Christmas present’, is a cute gift idea for Draco.”

“I don’t know Gin-”

Ginny rolled her eyes, “Oh give me a break, Hermione. You’ve gone to yoga at five am for three years straight, it’s time to take that hot bod of yours out for a spin in something sexy. Draco would love that. Stop doubting yourself when it comes to men, just look at you, you’re smokin hot.”

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