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Uh. . .

Jǐ Xiǎo Ōu held the thermometer, at a complete loss. Why did he react so badly?

Did he not like it?

But, before, when she took her American short hair’s temperature, it did not resist so badly, ah! She could not understand, so she approached again with the thermometer.

This time, she had not even touched the leopard’s body when it quickly darted forward, turning to not exert any weight on his injured leg, and swiped at Jǐ Xiǎo Ōu’s hand, forcing the thermometer from her hand.

Jǐ Xiǎo Ōu was quick to react and relinquished her hold, narrowly avoiding his claws.

The small leopard stood before her in a single breath. He gnashed his teeth together, grumbling angrily, and glared up at her like a tiger watching his prey.

Looked a little like he were about to fly into a rage due to humiliation.

Jǐ Xiǎo Ōu sat cross-legged under the tree, the leopard standing before her, his huge eyes glaring hollowly.

Half the day later, Jǐ Xiǎo Ōu tilted her head and was finally able to understand the situation a little, “You. . . you do not like to take your temperature?”

The cub shifted his line of sight to the thermometer lying in the grass, and his expression was awfully expressive.

Well then, he did not like it, Jǐ Xiǎo Ōu presumed. The little one was undoubtedly feverish, but since he refused to take his temperature, she would first use alcohol to cool him down.

Jǐ Xiǎo Ōu dipped some cotton in alcohol but began to feel awkward.

Using alcohol to wipe the paws would be helpful, but would he let her touch him after such a reaction?

She reached out to scratch the leopard’s chin like she usually did with her cat at home.

The little leopard did not move but his dark eyes turned to the cotton in Jǐ Xiǎo Ōu’s hand.

"This is sterilized cotton dipped in alcohol. It can help cool down the fever you have right now. . .” Jǐ Xiǎo Ōu was unsure why, when confronted with this pair of all-knowing eyes, she always couldn’t help but want to explain.

The leopard did not resist this time. She did not know if he could understand her words, or had lost his last traces of strength.

Jǐ Xiǎo Ōu held him in her arms, careful to avoid the wound, and propped all four of his limbs out one by one to rub each paw a little.

A feline’s paw pads were pink, and this little leopard was no exception.

The cub’s left fore paw had a brown scar in the middle of the paw pad, almost like cutting through the palm of the hand.

The scar was long and deep, very eye-catching, and had to have been from a severe injury.

Jǐ Xiǎo Ōu restrained her desire to touch, telling herself that this leopard was very easy to provoke unlike her cat at home.

Even if he was hurt, he could easily kill her if unhappy.

Finished rubbing the alcohol, Jǐ Xiǎo Ōu took out a towel and watched it in the river.

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