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The group’s voices continued.

The beastmen’s tongues wagged spiritedly, filled with curiosity towards this strange backpack. However, it had be swapped for something and no one really wanted to.

It was both unattractive and impractical, what to do with it?

The backpack was being sold by a red fox and the asking price was two fish and three live chickens.

Seeing people were indifferent to this price, the red fox lowered the asking price to a fish and two live chickens.

Still, there were no beastman willing to exchange.

“This looks useless.”

“Not as good as my own wicker basket. . .”

“What’s inside? Is it a fire-making mirror?”

A weasel beastman asked while pointing to the flashlight. The convex lens greatly resembled the mirror.

The beastman selling it could not say.

A brown bear had given the backpack in exchange for a jar of honey and ten potatoes.

He saw this new and unique backpack and inside there were three things, the itch in his chest made him agree.

He did not expect to lose goods.

Still no one was willing to exchange for it, and the red fox had to reduce the price down to a fish and a live chicken.

Jǐ Xiǎo Ōu was unable to hold back and became restless.

If she had no fish or chicken in hand, she was not going to get her bag back.

“Sorry, please, let it go.”

Eric squeezed in from behind, the huge antlers hitting the beastman next to him, and he hasted to apologize before turning to look at Jǐ Xiǎo Ōu, “Ōu, what are you doing?”

Jǐ Xiǎo Ōu did not have the time to explain and directly asked, “Eric, do you know where to get a fish and a chicken?”

Eric, although it was still hard to understand, still answered seriously, “Chickens are in the mountains behind Ferris village and there are fish in the river. I can go back and help you catch it if you need it.” He glimpsed towards the backpack and his black, deer eyes went wide as he asked, “Hey? Ōu, is this not yours. . .”

Jǐ Xiǎo Ōu immediately lifted her finger to rest against her lip and said quietly, “Hush.” She did not want to attract the attention of the surrounding beastmans.

If a fish and a live chicken could solve the problem, she would rather leave it alone.

The beast world was far more complicated than she thought it was, and she didn’t want to get into any trouble.

By this time, the backpack’s price had been reduced again from a fish and live chicken to just a live chicken.

A couple of the crowd began to move, some even heading to home to get a chicken to swap.

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