Chapter 2

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Britta tosses and turns, eyes move rapidly in deep sleep and the sheets are wet at her warm spot. Her eyes open wide into the darkness, hair plastered to her forehead and soft nightgown sticking to her wet pussy. Britta feels the burning inside and outside as well as her thighs are hotter than her sweaty forehead. Britta knows where that fantasy came from, that dream, that man, that website. Britta scoots embarrassingly away from the wet spot on the sheets. And once more wipes at her forehead and moves her hair to the side.

Was I touching myself while sleeping? Her other fingers are wet and glitter back the little light entering the room.

Oh my goodness, what are you doing, naughty-naughty? She doesn't want to linger in the heat of the comfortable sheets but she doesn't want to ruin her drowsy sleep either. But she knows if she lies down again, the dream will be the same and again she'll wake up. Minus well find a distraction.

She gets up briskly. Now that she's awake, there is nothing stopping her from doing laundry. The soaked sheets are first and then the pillow cases. While walking to the wash room, she dumps the agglomerated bundle into the bin and drags it from the bathroom over to the washer. She presses the button and the water starts to waterfall, filling the washer. She can't help but to stare at the water falling over her clothes-the warm water.

Is touching myself considered kinky? What does kinky even mean, I know Sabina uses it all the time to describe her sex life, but is fingering kinky? I'm not stupid, am I? I can touch myself if I want to, right? Everyone does it? Do they though... No, I can't-I can't and I won't.

As a teen growing up, Britta had never had the opportunities that other girls had with the opposite sex. She had a case of the pimples, and the ungroomed hair, unwashed clothes, and bad breath. All due to a careless mother. For two years, she went to school smelling of a pungent odor that she could not locate to save her life. It wasn't until her teacher approached her after studies and furtively supplied Britta with a stick of deodorant that she finally realized what the problem was, or at least a problem of the many. Another problem was that her mother was not fit for caring to the complicated needs of a teenage girl. Not once had Britta's mother shown support, no "I Love You's" were handed out, and no lessons of life were taught. Britta, fortunately, has always been bright. Now, she has her own spa, her own place, her own car, her own life-her life, and doesn't have to depend on anyone to live her life. Her face has no pimples and all that remains is a soft face of beauty that not even she can believe after all those years of red and black spots.

But one thing she doesn't have is a sex life. She has never purchased a dildo, and every time Sabina mentions vibrators or any type of sex toy, she becomes awkwardly reserved and painfully shy. The sex world is foreign. Foreign to her like a parent telling their child "I love you."

So... was that kinky or what? I'll call it kinky for now. Yeah, I'm kinky, girl. Saby would be a proud mama.

Britta glances at the clock over the washer. "Three o'clock!" Although it's early in the morning, she doesn't feel sleepy. She lets go of the tumbling washer and walks downstairs for some investigative work.

Britta takes a seat and agitates the mouse side to side, causing the Mac to awaken. If she has to suffer without sleep than everything in the house will be awakened as well, including Siri.

Britta's fingers type speedily, searching for the culprit website that caused her to touch herself while half-asleep. Her index finger quickly tickles the scroll wheel. The Gallery webpage moves downward displaying a passel of XLand photographs. The pictures consist of exquisitely crafted men who shouldn't exist-but they do, they are referred to as "Rides," and each "Ride" displays its bod-no clothes, some with languid schlongs, and others with stiff cocks.

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