Chapter 9

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Britta looks about, not recognizing why the hell she's undressed. Why the hell Sabina is also undressed and why the fuck they are both together undressed. OMG, did they have sex. She didn't think so, she.. she's not that way.

NO. The bartender. He came over. That's it.

Now she remembers.

Britta slowly makes her way around Saby to the shower. She remembers small portions, here and there about what happened last night, but not the whole of it. She remembers his name now. Rick-the bartender. She had sex last night with Rick and Saby.

What the hell.

After drying and wrapping herself with a towel she waddles to Sabina. "WAKE UP!" Her vocal cords shake like maracas.

Saby flinches. "What?"

"Get up."

Sabina jumps up, seeing that Britta has already showered, smelling fresh and about ready to leave. "Plans. Shit we got plans today. Give me a sec. I'll be ready in ten."

"Fine, that's all I need to get dressed anyway."

                                                                                        · ΧΧΧ ·

"Ten minutes my ass," Britta hears from the living room. She finishes the final touches, does her hair in a messy style, and goes to meet Sabina.

"It's about time."

"What's the hurry, anyways?"

"There's a sell at Victoria's Secret, and I want to get in on it!"

"Shut up, there's no sell at Victoria's Secret!" Britta says.

"Sure is, and you've wasted plenty of time so let's get on with it. I actually believed you would be ready in ten. God you're slow."

"I couldn't pick a shirt."

· ΧΧΧ ·

At the store, they go their separate ways, Britta looking for those unrevealing items. Sabina looks for the complete opposite, anything revealing will do.

And then is was time for the fitting room.

Britta puts on a satin dress that shows her butt cheeks but flows all the way down to her knees. Other items hand behind her, perhaps left behind. They look thin, and about her size. She tries the first. It fits perfectly, too perfectly, and too tight. Her nipples poke from the thin fabric and doesn't know what to think of herself in the mirror. But, with the experience from last night and the actual vacation coming up next, Britta decides that this is exactly what she needs. Something that reveals the dirtiness inside her mind.

Britta steps out, not with one but with every outfit that was left behind by the last customer. Britta knocks on Saby's fitting room, "I'll meet you at the front,'K."

"Alright. Almost done anyway."

Britta doesn't want to admit it, but after seeing herself in those revealing fit-ons, she was ready for some cock. However, she pushes back the thoughts, repressing what she can and allowing for this adventure to be a total surprise.

"Boo!" Sabina yells from behind.

Britta jumps. "Don't! Do That. JCPenney has a sell, too." She shoves Saby to the side.

The rest of the dayis spent shopping and girl-talking. This is the first time in perhaps over 4years since Britta has felt any type of freedom like this. Shopping, vacation,friends, no boyfriend. Nothing on her mind, but XLand.

XLand (An Amusement Park for Adults)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora