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(Harry's POV)

It's 4am and I haven't slept steph fell asleep earlier but I can't I couldn't stop thinking about that damn kiss I have to call her I have to talk to Elena
I grabbed my phone and went to the living room


I awoke to my phone going ballistic It was 4am why the fuck was my phone ringing and who was calling then I saw
Harry's name I swiped and said
"Hello Harry why are u calling me?"

"Can I come over real quick to talk about it u know the thingy?"

"Harry it's 4am" I whine "Fine just hurry before I fall asleep" I hung up and went to te bathroom and brushed my teeth and ran a pot of coffee when I herd the doorbell I jumped I opend to find a restless harry.

"Come in" I say not to happy about it
"I'm not a morning person Harry you know that."

"Yeah but I mean I feel awful and what are we gonna tell steph?"

"Harry no offense but your a dumbass you can't tell steph!" as much as I hate that bitch I thought

"Elena you know I can't do that!" Harry screams

"Then why are you here Harry and why the fuck did you kiss me anyway?!"

"I don't know elena! Harry screamed "ok I don't known" is voice got so quiet I could barely understand him "I guess it just felt like nothing had changed like we were together again..."

"HARRY OPEN YOUR DAMN EYES YOU LOVE STEPH DONT YOU so why are u saying these things all your doing is confusing things okay YOU NEED TO LEAVE now "I scream. leave now HARRY!"

"And if your worried about if I'm gonna keep my mouth shut don't worry you won't be seeing me anymore and sure as hell don't expect to see me at your wedding I wouldn't wanna confuse you anymore than you already are!"

"I care about you too much to let you throw what you have away with Stephanie she may be the death of me but I won't let myself be the death of you HARRY I just I think you should go."

Harry left and I cried myself to sleep.



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