"Telling" un edited

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Harry's face was unexplainably blank
Then a smile appeared

"Elena that's great!!!!!!!" he screamed

"You're not upset at all?''

"What Elena why would I be upset theirs a future baby styles in their" he said pointing to my belly.

"Oh thank you Harry your amamazing I hugged him tightly not wanting to let him go we stood their for what seemed like hours just hugging.
When he finally spoke he said
"We better get going or we won't get their till tomorrow afternoon I was kind of hoping we'd get their in the morning."

"Okay ill be their in a minute" I stood in the empty space breathed and shut the door walked after Harry he opend the door of the truck for me and helped me in and ran to the other side hopping into the drivers seat.

"You ready to go"

"YASSSS rode trip!" I screamed his face grinning and we were on the rode.

It had been a total of 7 hours when we Finally reached his apartment from Nevada. we were exhausted Harry from driving and me from well packing.

His apartment was nice after you walked threw the hallway there was a. dining room on the right a living room on the left then next to the dinning room was the kitchen. it was almost opposite of my apartment but bigger.

"I like your house Harry"

"It's our house now babe"

"Well I guess that's true babe" I mocked his tone of voice.

"Hey are you making fun of me?" he grinned "well ill have to punish you later.." his grin grew and he looked away "the bedroom is this way"
He said and lead me down the middle of both the the kitchen and living room into a hallway where we reaches 4 doors the last one in front of me all the way down the hallway is the master bedroom then on the left was a smaller room and the same on the right so I figured the bathroom was the last door. I went into the master bedroom and saw a king sized mattress it looked so comfy and soft I really wanna sleep from the long drive.

"Well this is our room there's a bathroom over here and well yeah that's it just make yourself at home I will unload the truck."

"Let me help you" I stood

"No you crazy you could hurt the baby. You gotta be more careful now ok so go to sleep while I unload the truck and drop the furniture off at the storage help yourself to anything in the fridge and umm happy new year..."

He left and I was completely passed out .

(Harry's POV)

Wow like what just happens first I decided I was gonna marry her and now I find out she pregnant with my child like hold up let me just focus on unloading her clothes and stuff then ill call Louis so he can help me unload the furniture would he even be awake? let me call him. I dial his number

"Hey Louis I said

"Harry it's like 1 am why the fuck are you calling me!?"

"Cause I need your help isn't it a bit early for swearing anyway?"

"It isn't when you call waking me up at 1 am." he mumbled

"Just get your ass to my place and help!"

"Fine don't be such an ass!"

"Thank you Louis"

And I hung up the phone.about 20 min later Louis showed up.

"Where the hell have you been mate!"

"Chill the fuck out its 1:20 am your lucky I came exactly why the fuck am I here?"

"Well me and steph broke up I'm back together with Elena and she's moving in so u need to help me unload her furniture into the storage unit."

Hi face was stunned shocked

"Wow bro that's a lot of stuff to take in at 1am"

"So lets start" I said

"Hold on so you left Stephanie for elena?"

"No she dumped me so I went to elena."

"Oh so she wasn't your first choice?"

"No I've always wanted elena you know that."

"Oh I'm caught up now lets go."

We finally got done with everything at 2:30 am but we ended up calling Liam and filled him in on everything as well we needed the extra hands. I thanked them both and went home and passed out on my bed.

Just incase Louis and Liam don't know Elena's preggers kk bye


-Tracy 😴😴

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