A rude awakening

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I awoke to elena and a pale of water she pored it on me thank god this couch is leather.

"Well I take it your still mad."

"No shit Harry first you lied to me then you go and meet my father!"

"Babe I told you that I only went to see him he deserved to know and I figured I'd tell him before you guys met."

"Harry I just can't believe you would go behind my back and stepped on ground that isn't yours!"

"He said he wants to meet you."


"I said he wants to meet you elena" my voice cracking at the end. "he feels so bad that he wasn't there to see you grow up."

She sat down slowly and breathed in.


"Whenever your ready he doesn't want you to feel like you don't have him he wants you to know that you don't have to rush into meeting him. he's actually a really good guy elena."

"Does he know about henry?"

"No but he knows I'm your fiancé"

"Oh ok"

"So what do you want to do elena?"

"Harry I just found out give me a second I just I-I don't know"

"Harry just go change and don't come back"

"Elena I get that your mad but your completely irrational!"

"Please Harry just go."

"Fine but whenever you come to your senses know that ill be one call away."

I got changed got Liam and we left.

In the car we wee on the highway when Liam asked me.

"Mate what happened you need to tell me get it out of your system all the mixed feelings your having."

"I'm fine Liam she's just mad let her cool off she'll want me back by tomorrow for now just drive me to a hotel don't worry Ill pay."


[elenas pov]

It's been 4 hours since Harry left well since I kicked Harry out

I don't know what to do at times like this I need him I need to be surrounded by Harry held in his arms to keep me safe. but Harry is the cause of my stress and the wedding.

My phone started buzzing crazily again for the 5th time. I can't answer it if I do he will convince me to go to him but there's nothing I can do right now. but ignore him.

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