All better...?

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A week after recovery

3rd person

Harry zayn and Elena awaited this day the day they could take Alice home.
They ushered her into the van Elena and Harry had to postpone there movement till future because of Alice's condition zayn didn't have a place in town and was currently bunking with the rest of them in Harry's humble abode. once Elena and Harry were in the front seats zayn hopped in and comforted Alice, Alice was beat she looked better then when she arrived but she still looked like shit. the whole car ride was silent until they reached Harry's flat. being that the doctor had told Alice she needed her rest she went to bed ASAP. Harry and Elena went to the room and whispered into Elenas ear "what If we bought them or kept renting this place out so we can move, we should me you and max finally in our home."

"Harry ...I ..... Alice is my Best friend I can't just leave her." she said solemnly. "If the conditions were different I'd love to move but." she collapsed in Harry's arm and she began sobbing. Harry started rubbing circles in her back with the palm of his hand trying to comfort elena. " I understand it was just a thought I'm sorry." Harry pleaded.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Next day l a heated discussion ( more like argument) has a risen... It started with in out burst by zayn.

" how, who, when?" zayn pleaded for an answer.

"I'm so sorry zayn I just, I don't know I was stressed when I found out.... I just didn't know how to tell you!" Alice begged for Zayas forgiveness but in the end it wasn't enough, zayn stormed out leaving Harry and Elena stunned and confused.

"Alice what happened?" Elena asked
Alice choked and began sobbing.
"I fucked up Elena I fucked up big time! About a week before Harry came home remember when we went to that club?... You remember him right? his name was caleb and we did it and now I'm pregnant with his baby. Zayns mad because we haven't even had sex......i told him our relationship was serious and it is! but I found out last week and I guess I just stopped eating because of the stress." Elena was shocked she didn't realise how serious they were.

"Well we will talk to him but for now let him cool off okay?"



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