"Why don't we go there"

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[elenas pov]

It's been 2 hours since harry fell asleep I haven't slept one bit. how did he get all that money? who am I really sleeping next to? OMG and I'm pregnant with his baby oh no what if he's a drug dealer so many thoughts going through my mind and I thought he was saving money to open a restaurant omfg what am I gonna do.
Elena calm down your gonna hyperventilate i thought but I couldn't I couldn't I just couldn't not until I knew how he got 4 million dollars...

(4 hours later elena fell asleep.)

Harry's POV

It's Tuesday and I'm tired the last thing I wanna do is get up and pee but I have too. I'm glad I only have school on Mondays and Thursdays and that there at 12:00pm. Elena's sleeping as usual, I love her, how she has this beautiful red hair and these long finger nails she will look 10 times hotter at our wedding and wait till she finds out where were getting married. she will love it.

"Harry?" a voice spoke I snapped back into reality "yes elena?"
"Nothing you were day dreaming are you alright?" she asked worriedly. "yeah I'm perfect."
"Harry can we do something today? I'm sure Alice won't mind if we do something alone."

"Yeah like what?''

"Um what about going to the park?"

"Sure sounds like fun"
After breakfast we drove to the park we sat at picnic table next to the swings where there were light green patches of grass underneath. the sky was blue with few wispy clouds. Then I told myself she needed to know I bet if I told steph she would've stayed bitchy gold digger...

"Grandpa Derms died. " I spoke "he left me with the money but I haven't been able to use it since my grandpas wished were not to use the money until I was 24 weird right a random number? but its not weird because 24 was his favorite number I used to go fishing with him a lot..... Anyway you wanna know how he got the money.
He STOLE it from a bank and the government doesn't know it but they are handing the money right to me I told them over and over again I didn't want it but its written on a dead mans grave ,and I'm stuck with 4 million dollars but don't worry we will move and if you want we can take everyone we like to Australia or Paris we love Paris and run why don't we go there it seems way better i could open my restaurant raise a family what do you say? She looked speechless and dehydrated.

"Uh..... Harry are you okay?"

"I know it's a lot to take in but just think about it us in the most romantic city in the world..."

"I know Harry but it just seems so fast and your grandpa stole that money! not only that but I wanted a regular life a life where I got married in my home town not across the country!"

I was stunned at this the reaction literally broke my heart💔.

"Harry I love you but I wanna live here at home in our apartment and raise our baby You understand that don't you?" I came to my senses that was a crazy idea and yeah I understood what she wanted but.... " yeah elena I get it but can we at least buy a house for the both of us?"

"Sure anything you want harry.."


Please I know it's boring but it's about to get better when we fast forward in two chappys- love -Tracy

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