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(Elenas POV)

"So I'm gonna file a report with the police." he looks at me Louis sitting across from us

"Hey I would like to report a crime"Harry speaks

"A breaking and entering and trashing the place crime" he gave the emergency responder our address and his name.

"Well it's gonna be about 45min until the cops come so wanna go do something to kill time?"

"Sure" I'm bored anyway I thought but my feet were hurting and I needed clothes anyway.

We arrived at a store called pacsun they had a lot of cute clothes so I bought this dress a pair of jeans and some shirts. Harry waves me over out of the store after I pay and he says "I bought you something.." My face cringed with excitement (😝) "ooooo really what is it?"

"It's a surprise" he says

"Fine" I said

Se we left pacsun and got some take out food the cops would be their in about 5min so we rushed home and I walked into the apartment a gasp escaped my lips it was like daja-vu I was literally walking into the scene of Paris when Harry and I for the first time we were together together.

"Harry what is this?" I asked in shock
He turned to me with a smile and he grabbed my hand leading me to what would be the living room that was turned into a dinning cafe much like the one we had went to that day except there was candles and rose petals scattered everywhere it was beautiful, he pulled out a chair and I sat, he walked around and sat when Liam came out with the take out we bought wearing a tux. in the middle of the table we sat at was a vase with a dozen long stemmed roses it smelt Devine. It was so romantic. Liam served us our food and we ate but I was just like what is going on like what is happening why is Harry doing this?.
So I asked again

"Harry what's this about?"

"Elena for the time I've known you you've been there for me even when we weren't together it was the first day I had laid my eyes on you you haven't changed a bit I love you elena Roberts and I'm not afraid to say it so today I ask that you take the rest of our lives and spend it together as husband and wife, elena Roberts will you please marry me?" he looked so nervous and I was so amazed he was holding out a pearl ring I gasped he rememberd what I had said then I spoke "Harry there's nothing more that I've ever wanted to just be your wife so yes!" I stood and hugged him and kissed when Liam came out and said congratulations and then Louis popped out of the corner and we repeated what we had just done with Liam. I looked at Harry and nodded we were reading each others mind when I whispered into his ear and said "do they know I'm pregnant yet?"

He whispered back "no"

"Then we should tell them, Liam Louis can you come here please we have news"

"Okay what's the news" Louis said

"Me and Harry at the same time said were pregnant" a gasp escaped from Liam's lips but Louis wasn't showing any emotion. " Louis did you already know?"

"Well I figured it out."

We all laughed and I picked up the phone and called Alice....


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