Times past

6 0 0

Elenas pov

I quickly guided Alice to her room and set her to rest.

"Pssst....Harry come here" Harry and Elena walked inside of their bedroom closing the door behind them .

"Harry I need you to go and talk to zayn"

"But." Harry whined.

"No butts go and talk to him she needs him now more then ever plus he has nowhere to go."

He let out a growl and said "fine."

"Thanks Harry your the best" she said with a perky attitude. silently pecking him on the cheek. "now go before he gets far!"

"I need his number!"

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


I can't believe I'm chasing after zayn sure I feel bad for the guy but what the hell was I supposed to do? I dialled his number and called him.

"Hey zayn this is Harry"

"What do you want?" Zayn answered offensively

"Look I'm sorry about what happened in the past okay? but this isn't about me this about you and Alice, that girl loves you!"

"I know..... where do you wanna meet up because I know you won't leave me alone till then."

"Annie's grill in 10min don't be late."


At the flat
About an our later
3rd person

Harry returned with zayn.

"Where is alice?" Zayn asked

"In the office" Elena appeared from the hallway. "Don't fuck up zayn" she gave zayn a little nudge in the solider showing a smile.

Zayn made his way inside and sat next to Alice on the bed.

"Alice, I want you to know in here for you even if this baby isn't mine I will treat it like my own."

"Awwww zayn" he put his arm around her hugging her until she felt secure.
"But I don't wanna keep it truth I'm not prepared to raise a child."

"That's fine Alice whatever you decide I'm here for you"

"Thank you zayn"


One month later

Zayn and Alice live in what was Harry's flat and what is now their own.
Elena and Harry have just finished moving into their house.

"Harry can you believe it!? our house I just am amazed it amazing Harry! I love you so so much!" she ran and jumped and hugged Harry, her legs rapping around his waist her kissing his face all over. "I never thought this day would come!......you know I've been thinking now that we have a place and a dog. that we could further arrange our wedding and telling my parents about our engagement.."

"Oh yeah almost forgot about that..''


Double update since the first one was real short!

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