late night tears

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angst - wholesome
words; 1262
title: late night tears

the alarm clock flashed 1:37 am. you were sleeping peacefully, no thoughts crossing your mind. until, your phone began vibrating from a call. "ruel <3" brightened the screen as you turned, searching for your phone.

"hello?", your voice sounded groggy and tired. "h-hey, so i- i— my um family, crash on adelinane street," you heard on the other end. there was a pause. you waited for there to be more information. "coco, mom.. they um were on the - " he stopped, a heart wrenching sob coming through the line. you could hear chatter and his scattered breaths.
"baby, where are you?" you attempted to remain calm, knowing he needed you now more than ever. "on the intersection of adelinane and ruckers ave."
"ok, where's your family?"

"mom, coco and sylvie got in the ambulance. we were in an argument and she turned around and ran a light and the truck it just- "
"are there police there? are you hurt?" you asked, shuffling around your room, searching for your car keys and a sweatshirt.
"yeah, there wasn't enough room on the ambulance- but - but that can't be the last thing i said to her."
"too who, baby?"
"what'd you say to her?" i asked softly, hearing his tone change. my feet pattered down the stairs as i scribbled a note to my parents.

"i-i don't really remember, we were arguing over my career and how i never put my family first. and i got a-angry and yelled at her - the look on her face. it can't - oh god- it can't be the last thing i see of her; and mom turned around and missed the li-" he attempted to finish but silent sobs racked through him as he waited outside. the cold breeze whisked past him as he sat on the curb, praying for it to be a dream. tears ran down his face as he slightly rocked back and forth.

  "i'm coming love, it'll be alright." you said, tears brimming at your eyes. ruel was never one to openly express emotions. it takes him time and a lot of trust to get comfortable, because he's had bad experiences in the past. this was a whole other side that you had barely seen. what hurt him, hurt you. and vice versa.

your car pulled up to the scene. police tape encircled the whole block. you saw ruel sitting, his back facing you. you ran, reaching the tape before an officer stopped you. "please, my boyfriends in there. he needs me." you pleaded, pointing to ruel. the officer looked at you, contemplating. you called back ruel. "yeah?" he croaked. "im here baby, turn around." he spun around, attempting to stand, but his leg giving up. the officer watched the whole situation, allowing you in. you rushed to ruel, pulling him into your embrace, letting him cry. after some time, you lifted him up, cupping his face in your hands. "are you hurt? what happened to your leg?!" you asked. bruises and scrapes covering his face and torso.

"it's fine. i need to get to the hospital. can we just go?" he asked, not looking at you. "yeah, come on." you wrapped your arms around his waist, helping him over to the car." as the car began to start, you grabbed his hand. "baby, im not judging you. i know you're hurting, but you can talk to me about anything. im here and im not going anywhere." he looked at you, whispering "thank you" as you drove to the hospital. 

"i can't lose them."
"you won't. you won't. okay?"

"hi - um coco, sylvie and kate van dijk - car crash." you said as ruel turned around. "relation to the patient?"
"son and his girlfriend."
"ok, there's a coco and kate, no sylvie."
confusion crossed your face, but before you could get the room number, you felt ruel brush past you and run over to the other side of the waiting room. as you turned to face him, you saw him embracing slyvie, who only had a few bruises. you got the number, 402, and walked over to the siblings. "hey, how are you doing," you asked, looking at her.

"um, im good. they're both in surgery. cocos in much worse condition." ruel looked down, regretting everything. tears beginning to flow again. the three sat down. ruels head rested in your lap as he slept, his face stained by tears, exhaustion overcoming him. "honestly, ruels feeling like shit. he blames himself for everything."

"i knew he would. everyone yelled. it's not his fault. they don't blame him, i don't either." tears brimmed at her eyes as she looked at her saddened brother. "i really hope they're going to be okay."
"yeah. i don't know. like we've been together for 7 months and i've never seen him cry. i mean he's seen  me cry numerous times. i know he's had a hard time opening up to people and it was complete shock.  like at 2 am, i get a call and he's sobbing, there sirens and confusion and it was stressful. but i really realized that i love this boy. like i love him so much and he's so amazing and it took a lot for him to let it go and open up. and im just so glad that he trusts me. that's all i want for him. i just want him to know that, like truly."

she nodded, a single tear falling down her face as a smile curved upon her lips. "awe, don't cry!" you said, embracing her in a side hug. "i know, but im just so glad that he found a person who gets him. he's been in so much pain and you came into his, and our life and changed everything for the better. thank you, y/n."

you nodded, tearing up too. little did either of you know, ruel heard everything you two said. you both sat there in a comfortable silence, thinking separate thoughts.  a nurse came over, "coco and kate are out of surgery, would you like to see them?"

you nodded, waking up ruel, and walking towards the back in room 402. as you walked in, you saw 2 doctors, kate, and coco. they were both relatively alert. ruel walked over to coco, as slyvie walked over to kate. the family talked with one another, tears, cries and emotions exchanged. you sat in the chair, watching the family talk. eventually, ralph came in, embracing his family. "y/n, darling, come over here." kate said, motioning you with her hand. you slightly shook your head, smiling. "it's fine."

"we insist." you nodded, a small smile crossing your face and sat up, walking over to the family. again, giving everyone hugs and conversing. ruel, ralph, slyvie and i slept on cots til 5ish but we had to go home, for safety precautions.

the four of you ended up at home. ralph and slyvie stayed downstairs. whereas you and ruel went to his room. he laid next to you, your arms and legs intertwined. you ran your fingers through his hair as you two drifted in and out of sleep. "i love you," he whispered.

it caught you by surprise. "and i heard what you said to slyvie at the hospital."
"uh- you did... i-"
"i feel the same way. y/n i fucking love you," he blurted out.
you looked at him, a smile bursting across his face as he kissed you. you smiled into the kiss as you held each other tighter. "i love you, van dijk."
"love you too, baby."


words - 1262 (unedited)
hola, this was long and kinda angst-filled; but i hope you liked it. love you all!


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