summertime tours

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the sun blazed and the wind breezed past the groups of anxious teens waiting to enter the venue. i looked down through the window, turning my head and seeing their posters and excited grins. "babyyy," ruel yelled before jumping on top of me. "hey," i whispered, wrapping my arms around him as he looked through the window.

currently, we were at an "old timey" venue, as ruel called it. it looked like a building right out of the 1950s. "you excited?" i asked, giggling when they saw us. "yeah, you're gonna watch right?" he asked timidly, waiting to my response. "yes, of course," i responded, placing a gentle kiss on his lips; our kiss then interrupted by the increasing screams. we looked down, making eye contact with some of them as ruels face reddened. i busted out laughing, "we should go say hi!" i cheered, watching ruel stand up and pull me up.

"yessir," he responded gleefully, grabbing my arm and pulling me out of the room. we passed the team and some of his family as we speed through the outdated halls; at this point, they didn't even question it.

the warm, late summer air greeted us as the screams erupted even more. "what's up my people's!" he yelled, running toward the barricade. the security had followed us out and watched as we interacted with fans.

"you know we could see you two up there. the windows on the sides were clear, it wasn't hard," a fan commented. ruel just laughed, hugging me from the behind and placing his head in the crook of my neck as the fans awed. i wrapped my arms on top of his, leaning back into him as we answered questions, collected their wonderful gifts and gave out small wristbands and signed mini posters.

eventually, we had to head inside for sound check and prep. "alright, we love you all so much and we'll see you inside!" ruel cheered, as we entered the venue. "can you come to sound check?" ruel asked, with puppy dog eyes. "you know i would love too, and i know you can't stand it," i laughed, "but, i need a nap."

he shrugged and went off the sound check. "love you," i yelled, as we walked into separate directions. this time, when i entered the room, i waved to the fans and closed the thick curtains, blocking out the sunlight. i plopped down on the couch, my eyes drifting into a light sleep. after what felt like 5 minutes, yet it was really an hour, ruel came in the room, yelling, "show time baby", placing a kiss on my forehead, breaking my sleep.

i mumbled something incoherent before getting up, getting myself together and following ruel to the stage area. his team, family and i waited near ruel as the fans sand golden years at the top of their lungs. ruel pulled me to the side, the rest of the team preparing for the concert.

as soon as we were separated, we placed his hands on both sides of my face, his thumbs gently resting on my jaw line as he placed a kiss too my lips. i leaned in, wrapping my arms around him, and then slowly pulling back. "be here when i'm done?" he asked, a grin on his face.

"always," i whispered before his team signaled him. he turned, quickly placing a kiss to my forehead, "i love you," he said, before running towards them. i watched as he ran on stage, gleefully smiling as the fans began to scream even louder. i love this kid.

hola peoples
writers blocks sucks
send help
happy holidays
send requests
love you all mwah

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