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angst - wholesome
631 words
song: inspo

"ruel," i argued back, "i can't do this anymore!" i paced around the living room, staring back at the confused boy.

"baby, just tell me what i did!?" he replied, frantically. thoughts running through his head as he tried to pinpoint what was happening. i stormed in late at night, immediately talking about leaving him.

"nothing, ruel, that's the problem. it's always me. you don't deserve to deal with me. just find another girl and yo-you'll be fine," i managed to stutter out, tears running down my face. "its hurts, like physically hurts to look at you. i know the pain I cause you, please just let me go."

he sat down on the couch, urging me to do the same. i sat down next to him, staring straight ahead. suddenly the family portrait became the most interesting thing in the world. he reached for my hand, but i flinched.

i could barely make eye contact, yet i knew ruel could see the pain and suffering in my eyes. i was fighting a battle with myself and wouldn't let anyone in.

"please, baby, can we talk?" i remained silent, staring down at the floor. he took that as an opportunity, "what happened?"

"you don't get it."

"get what?" he questioned, attempting to make eye contact with you.

ruel, i'm fucking broken," you whispered, your voice cracking, "im going to end up hurting you. or you're going to end up hurting me. i've been treated like a piece of shit in like all m-my past relationships. and here you come, saying im your angel and stuff. it's not real, someone's gonna get hurt. im not capable of feelings," i laughed sarcastically, "you don't get that."

"i was hoping that'd you'd realize that i don't care if your 'broken'. i love you for all your flaws and you're an amazing person. I'd sit here forever, waiting for you," he whispered, desperately hoping that you would understand.

"you know. the other ones left, they were smart enough to take pity or leave. at least they had fucking common sense," you spoke dryly, staring up at him. dried tears covered your face, your hair disheveled. at times, you wondered how he could stand looking at you.

he knew it was the anger. he knew it was the suffering that caused you to sound like this. but that didn't make it any easier.

"and it's not that simple. im not that easily fixed. i can't just- i can't be with you,"you said, breaking into a sob. your hard exterior crumbling at the state of your emotions. your head placed in your hands, ruels heart breaking a little at the painful state you were in.

he pulled you into his chest, soothingly rubbing your back, not caring that his shirt was soaked.

"deep breathes, angel." he whispered.
i collected myself enough to begin again, " i just feel like im not good enough. I feel like I'm never there for you and im terrible for you. im so broken and you don't need to deal with that. i'll figure it all out, bu-bu-but I don't want you to get hurt."

"angel, i need you. regardless of how you feel. i'll always be waiting for you, when you need me, trust me, i know you've been hurt before and you feel alone but i'm here. my life isn't complete without you. you're my everything. im yours and im always thinking about you. you're not going to hurt me," ruel replied.

"but-" i attempted to disagree, ruel cutting her off. "y/n y/l/n, you're enough. you'll always be enough for me. okay?"

i nodded, wrapping my arms around him. i think i really love this kid.

hi this was wack, im sorry. but I'm excited for the holiday season. how about you ?

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