road trip

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the trees drifted by as the family drove on an isolated highway. every year, ruels family took a trip to a relatives home upstate. you had been dating ruel for about 8 months, and he invited you on the trip. you were both dressed in sweatpants and sweatshirts, practically matching and very comfortable.

he was so head over heals for you; and thrilled to show you his extended family. his parents drove and sat upfront. coco and slyvie sat in the middle seats and you and ruel and sat in the back.
your head rested on ruels shoulder as he scrolled aimlessly through social media. music flowed through the car speakers; it was relatively quiet.

his parents pulled into a gas station; they filled up the gas as you, ruel, coco and slyvie entered the adjacent convince store. you each bought some snacks and headed back to the car.

after pulling out from the gas station, you and ruel attempted to cuddle. it wasn't the easiest thing, as you had to be buckled, although we figured it out. his back rested against an interior wall of the car, his legs stretching over the back 3 seats; and i laid on top of him: my head in the crevice of his neck and arms wrapped around his torso, his arms slowly rubbing your back.

a breeze flowing in from the cracked windows, slight radio sounds playing in the front and the evening sky adorned the relaxing atmosphere. everyone was so tuned into their own world; it just felt like it was you and ruel.

you were so grateful to have him, and vice versa. little did you know, he wasn't actually sleep (although you were) and he was looking out the window, and then occasionally at you.

he admired you for your nose, that you claimed was too "ugly", your smile that was slightly crooked, yet adorable and every other feature that made you unique.

thousands of girls, and boys, obsessed over him everyday, yet he chose you. he only wanted you to wake up in the mornings with, he only wanted you to go on 2 am snack runs, and he only showed his vulnerability to you. he trusted you with, well, everything. it amazed him, how he could have so much love manifested into one person. you were his person. his love, all his trust. and you, of course, felt the same way about him. there were obviously bad days and moments, but in the end it always brought you closer.

gradually, you began to stir, moving your head upwards, looking around. "what time is it?" you asked, groggily. "still got like 2 hours baby," he responded, looking at you; not realizing that he was staring.

"whatcha looking at?" you giggled, breaking him out of his thoughts. "hmm- oh sorry," he replied, looking else where. you realized he had been staring, and infatuated with you, but he was so adorable that you didn't mind.

you both laid there, quietly, enjoying each other's presences. "you're so fucking gorgeous," ruel whispered , interrupting the silence, returning his gaze to you. you began to blush madly, a tint of rose plastered on your cheeks. you hated the effect just simple words he muttered had on you.

"welllll, you're hotter," you exaggerated, making faces towards him and laughing. a laugh erupted from the back of ruel's throat, as he admired your ridiculous expressions.

"okay, okay," he responded, ending his laughter, " but i actually love you and shit."

"i love you and shit too," you chirped playfully, placing a kiss to his lips. he chuckled, into the kiss as you attempted to pull back, but he had other intentions though. he swiftly snaked his hand around the back of your neck, pulling you closer and deepening the kiss; completely forgetting that you two were in a car with his family, but his family didn't really care: they were so tuned out that it didn't matter.

ruel kissed you passionately, and boy did he know how to kiss. it was one of the things that made you fall for him. you broke the kiss, coming up for air. "as much as i would like to do this right now, im not really feeling the possibility of your family catching us."

ruel laughed, "fine. but later?" he questioned. "ruel, we're going to be at a family home. how are we going to do anything?" you retorted. "we'll have a private guest room," he answered, acting as if it was expected. your eyes bulged out of your head, surprised that you would have your own room. you placed a kiss on his lips, then falling into another slumber.

the car pulled into the homes driveway. pine trees adorning the lake homes sides and wooden panels covering the front of the home. ruels cousins playing outside as his aunts and uncles talked on the porch. the family piled out of the car, embraced my the family members.

"who's this?" one of ruels young cousins commented, a puzzling look spread across her face. "my girlfriend, y/n," ruel answered, crouching down to their level.

"how did you," they paused, " get a girlfriend?" the child asked, chuckling and running back to their cousins. ruel stood back up and you busted into laughter.

you loved this family.

this was wack but i wish the best for you all. I'm probably going to edit it later . <3 !!

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