picnics and beautiful beaches

326 12 0

wholesome - family
aged up
words; 1200
june 14, 2021
my toes rested softly against the cool sands, the
breeze blowing past me, gently tickling the back of my neck. small particles of sand stuck to the loose ends of my jeans as i flicked off a small leaf from the bottom of my ankle. the sky had a dewy glow, the sun just having risen. seagulls flapped above, flying in slightly sporadic movements causing our children to erupt in laughter.

the sounds of waves crashing against the shore met our children's laughter. my arms were crossed over each another, slightly holding myself. my fingers played with the ends of my husband's old tour sweatshirt, which he gave to me during the latter part of our drive to the beach.

i noticed a woman in my peripheral vision appear, jogging slowly near a cliffs jagged edges and an elderly man near the opposite end of the beach, reading a small tattered book. i stood, pure joy and admiration in my heart, watching my kids frolic on the waters edge. they absolutely adored the beach. the waves rushed in and retracted, catching the kids by surprise as they chased both each other and the waves.

footsteps approached behind me, catching my attention and breaking me out of my thoughts. the quick and timed silence between each step allowed me to know who it was. i could distinguish those footsteps from any other, my husband, ruel's.

"hi, love," he whispered, lowering his head so his chin could rest on my shoulder. "that little girl runs so fast, she'd literally bet the speed of light," ruel chuckled, laughing at the the slightly crooked – but fast run of our daughter, luna. slight giggles erupted from my chapped lips as i turned to face him, watching our daughter chase after a seagull.

i pressed my back against ruels chest, leaning into him as he placed his arms on top of mine. our daughter, luna, was now chasing our youngest son, jack, into the waves. "kids, be careful please!" i called out, watching them land a little too close to the water's edge. khai, our eldest, sat at the shoreline, creating his little masterpieces with wet leaves, a medley of rocks, and sand.

"should we call them back in," i whispered to ruel, breaking the silence and pondering his opinion. "eh, give them a few more minutes, i'll grab the basket from the truck," ruel responded, placing a soft kiss to my forehead before gently removing his arms from mine and walking towards our car that was just above the rocks lining the back of the beach, leading into the parking lot.

i nodded briefly, turning around to see ruel skipping up the large, slightly jagged rocks instead of taking the stairs. "babe, what the hell are you doing?" i questioned, slight tones of minor disapproval laced in my raised voice.

"having a little fun," he chuckled cheekily, a mischievous smile spread across his face as his last skip landed him on the pavement, a few feet from the car.

i rolled my eyes playfully and turned back around to face the water as a small smile made its way to my face. the waves soothed my thoughts as i watched the kids continue to relish and play in the beautiful fall beach. within a few moments, i heard ruel's footsteps approach and the unraveling of a picnic blanket followed, signaling that it was time to call the kids in.

"alright kiddos, time to come on in. snack time!" i called, my voice raised above the crashing of waves, catching the attention of my three children.

khai, luna, and jack pouted slightly at my first sentence, but then smiled at my second. khai kissed his masterpiece goodbye as the waves washed over it, leaving all three kids running towards ruel and me. each child reached for their favorite snack that ruel had pulled out of the clear tupperware containers, but before they could stick their fingers all over them, i stopped them.

"ah ah ah" i said, handing khai and luna wipes to clean their hands, and then cleaning jacks hands myself. the children quickly wiped their hands, and dived straight in for their favorite snacks as ruel passed them out.

khai went straight for the pineapple slices, luna for the triangle pretzels, and jack enjoyed his strawberry applesauce. as the kids got lost in their snackland, i scooted closer to ruel, my head resting gently against his shoulder as my legs draped over his. his fingers danced softly against the skin of my lightly covered back as we both watched our kids peacefully embrace serenity, joy, and playfulness.

the waves continued to crash against the cool sands, seagulls flapping above, and leaves bristling on the faraway edges of the beach. i turned my torso towards jack to slightly to peel back the covering of jacks second applesauce, after hearing his frustrated attempts - while remaining in ruels gentle grasp. his fingers relaxed and feel back slightly to give me space to move around.

i glanced over at my other children as well, making sure they were alright before turning my attention back to ruel. "we're killing this parenting thing, eh," ruel chuckled, smiling slightly at our little set up. "yeah, yeah, i guess you could say that," i nodded, smiling genuinely.

"babe, you've got like loads of sand in your hair," i commented, rustling my fingers through ruels hairc just now realizing the sand interlaced with ruels dirty blond locs. ruel looked at me slightly amused, memories flashing back into his mind. "how'd it get there?"

"for starters love, we're on a beach," he responded with a playful, snarky tone, "and i rolled around a bit with luna while you were getting jack out of the car." i nodded, putting the pieces together in my mind.

"no no no, daddy," luna intervened, overhearing our conversation. "daddy and i raced across the beach, from that tree branch to the rocky end," the little girl said pointing towards the eastern end of the beach, "and i beat daddy ... and then," she chuckled, "daddy ran so hard he feel and tripped!"

i turned to face ruel, and began to chuckle as his cheeks turned a light pink. "hey! you said you wouldn't tell anybody," ruel whined playfully at his daughter. she simply shrugged, smiling her big, goofy grin.

"well, whatever. sand makes for a good head exfoliant."

"since when do you know about exfoliants," i asked curiously. "i read things, darling," ruel responded cheekily.

"have you been reading my self-care magazines?" i questioned.

"how else do you think this skin, and these gorgeous locks i shall add, stay so beautiful?" he seriously asked, flipping his hair back and rotating his face as if he were a model.

giggles erupted from my mouth as i watched my goofball of a husband. wow, i love this family. the waves lapped against the shore, meeting the sound of laughter and snacks shuffling around.

so babes, it's been a minute. kinda crazy. sophomore year got me pretty good haha. but the writing bug bit me again so here ya go :)
i hope everyone's doing well. ❤️
i'm here if you need anything.
also if you want to see any specific imagines/have requests, let me know!


would we be interested in a vinnie hacker imagine book? i'm considering it and i have an idea or two. so if you're interested in reading vinnie hacker imagines, let a girl know. aka, just like comment on this imagine or pm me if you want.

thank youu :) love you all! 💗

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