chapter 2

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My body feels heavy like I was covered in bricks, I try to open my eyes. It took effort, It felt like they were glued shut. when I open my eyes I see a white ceiling. I close my eyes and roll on my side to feel sumthing heavy on my foot. I shake my foot hoping whatever is on my foot will shake off, but it didn't so I open my eyes to figure out what it is.

AS soon as I open my eyes I realize this wasn't my room. I sit up fast and look down at my foot to find a silver chain. It was on my ankle with a gold lock. I start pulling on the chain to find it connected to one of the bedposts.

I start to freak out, It got harder to breathe, my heart was going to fast, I felt numb so numb that I barely noticed tears trickling down my face or that I was sweating buckets. None of that mattered for I was trapped, kidnapped and shoved into a room with no escape. I was doomed to die, just like my foster parents always told me and now I understand what they meant. I truly was worthless, so worthless that I couldn't even keep myself from danger.

I don't know how many minutes or even hours I had spent freaking out.

It was consuming. Then the door slammed open, the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Everything about her was gorgeous except the look of anger on her face.

261 words

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