Chapter 21

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Evagline's pov

I rushed up to my father's office with a purpose. I slammed open his door and to my surprise, he wasn't there. I stood in the doorway thinking of all the places he could be. I made my way down the stairs and stopped in the living room at the sight of a man I didn't know. I ignored him and walked to my father who was sitting across from the man on the couch.

"father, I ne-" I was stopped mid-sentence by my father speaking.

" good timing darling, I was just to going to ask for you," he says in a 'Im such a sweet father' voice.

" We need to talk," I say confidently wanting him to hurry up.

"that can wait" I hiss out getting upset.

" This nice young man is your husband to be, so be nice," my father says with his arm stretched out pointing to the man I have yet to know the name of.

"and you are?" I said twirling my finger at him.

"I am sir John virnarde," he said sounding very fancy to which I roll my eyes. he sounds just as stupid as all the other men asking for my hand because of who my father is.

" now I have met him, we need to talk" I state.

"not know dear we have a guest," he says.

" well make it so we don't have one, and fast," I say getting impatient. My father is obviously trying to delay what I want.

"There is no rush, plus I would like to have a long talk with him," he says calmly.

" well since you have so many things to discuss why don't you set a wedding date, and make it soon my mates stressed out being down there" I hiss out the last part angered that she was put down there in the first place.

" wait she has a mate, I don't want to have an unnecessary fight with another man," John says worriedly.

" oh no no, her mate is a human woman" my father chuckles out " That's why I need her to marry, I can't have her with a girl, that would be catastrophic," my father says with a smirk on his face while staring at me.

I get enraged by his comment and fire back" you can love a woman so why can't I! oh wait you don't love women you just use them like the asshole you are" My father looks shocked by my words, but it was quickly replaced with anger.

"and you," I said pointing at my oh so nice husband to be" you will regret this marriage, marrying into this family" I sneer. I start to sprint to my room.

" get back and apologize" I hear my father's angry voice.

" No, suck a d*ck you asshole " I yell back at him. When I get to my room I open the door and slam it behind me making sure it makes a loud bang. I then flop down on my bed and scream my frustration into the pillow.

I fall asleep not wanting to deal with the consequences of my actions.

520 words

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