Chapter 6

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I ate a little to fast. I felt like I could get sick at any moment, but I was so happy that I got food that didn't taste like dog shit. It was bliss.

''You ate that pretty fast'' I got startled by her words because I honestly forgot she was there. She chuckled at the sight of my fear.

'' A little jumpy I see'' I don't know why she had to state the obvious. It made me a little angry, I wanted to talk back to her, but my fear overrides anything else I wanted to do.

''what do you think of the food'' she asked.

'' It was good'' I kept my response short so I didn't overstep the boundaries.

''Aww, that all you have to say'' she says and starts to twirl a piece of my hair with a finger. I stiffen at the contact. '' would you rather dog food?''

''N-no, the food was good, Its really good!'' I stutter out without thinking. I did not want to eat something that was made for a dog. She laughed out at my response.  I felt a heat rise up from my neck all the way to my cheeks.

'' well, that's good because if a simple human girl didn't like the food, Id have their heads'' she with a sickly sweet voice that made me want to run. I tried to get off her lap, but her arms were secured around my waist. I then felt something wet run across my neck. I let out a squeal. I turned my head, and our eyes lock.

She then lifts me up and turns me around so I am facing her.

our eyes are still interlocked. I was the one to break the eye contact, I lowered my head so I would not have to look at her. Yes, she was really beautiful, so ungodly gorgeous, but it was making me a little uneasy to be staring into her eyes when they were filled with lust. I could see it swirling around in her piercing green eyes. I then felt her lick my neck again, I squeaked and shifted feeling uncomfortable with what was happening. She continued with her assault on my neck.

''p-please s-stop'' I struggle to get the words out. I was enjoying what she was doing, but the situation I was in didn't let me stay okay with what she was doing.

''weres the fun in that'' she purred out. I then felt a sharp pain, and I let out an ear-piercing scream that could be heard throughout the house.


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