Chapter 13

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I end up at the top of some stairs, and I could see a door to what I peersumed was the outside world. I quickely walk toward the door, hand on the door handle when a man looks to be about 18 apear beside me leaning on the door. I jump not expecting to see someone, the fact it was a man was even more suprising.

" What are you doing gorgous?" he said slyly.

"n-nothing" I reply not wanting to speak to him.

"You dont seem to be doing nothing, so why dont you come to my room" he said while he looked into my eyes I saw somting flash in his eyes and I shiver in response. " we could have some fun?"

"N-no thank you, i-im busy" I tell him wanting to get away. His words made me iching and feeling disguting. I saw confusion cross his face.

" And why cant you" He asks

"B-because "

"B-because what " he said mocking me.

"Because I have a girlfriend!" I quickely squeak out the first thing that crossed my mind. I mentally smack myself for the lame excuse. He then looked at me in disgust like I was the most foul thing to exist. He grabbed the front of my shirt and brought his face close to mine. I kicked my feet to try and touch the ground again.

" That gives me more of a reason to suck you dry. At first I was curious as to why my magic didnt work on you, but you being a lesbian piece of shit will make it more enjoyable" he said the second part spitting in my face.

Tears were making their way out of my eyes because of my lack of oxygen. He then threw me into the wall at the bottem of the stairs. I felt a sharp pain on my back as I hit the wall. ven though my body hurt I quickely leaned forward and coughed up blood. I widend my eyes at the sight of it.

I then heard a femine voice say " what are you doing little brother" I could hear a hint of anger in her voice and I look up the stairs to see my mistress.

" Taking out some trash" he sneered " Its none of your concern"

"well it is when the trash is mine to deal with" she told her brother.

" I dont want her to soil you with her filthy hands" He said looking my mistress in the eyes while walking toward me. I could still feel tears falling freely down my face as he approached me.He was about to touched me I felt air swosh past my face and she was now infront of me with her brothers wrist in her hand.

" Too bad it apears I have already been soiled by her hands and next time dont touch my mate" She hissed in his face.

His eyes widend as he said " That filthy human girl is you mate" the way he said girl made her want run and cry.

" Im done dealing with you " she sighed out while letting go of him.

" Im going to tell dad and he will beat your ass" He said then disapeared with a brust of wind.

She then turned toward me and agressivly said " Stand"

" I Cant " I managed to wease out. She sighed and put her arm under my knees and the other under my back. She lifted me up with ease.

" There was a reason I kept you locked up you idoit" she said in a condescending tone.

"I-I-I " I stuttered out not able to find the right words.

" And now you got me into shit with my father, You know what this could cost me?" She said obviously angry or dissapointed I couldnt tell.

"N-no "

"of course you didnt ,your just a dumb human I got stuck with" she said with what I could tell was dissapointment.

"B-but not about me being a girl? Y-you just said dumb human" I say

" You being a woman is the thing I would be least upset about" I was so glad to hear that come out of her mouth, glad enough that the tears coming out of my eyes werent from sadness.


716 words

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