Chapter 4

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I waited on the bed for what felt like hours, looking at the boring beige room I was put in. There are two doors. I was waiting until I knew that the lady was gone. i don't know why I am waiting so long. I really have to go to the bathroom now. I decided I should see what the other door was. I am hoping it a bathroom, and that my chain will be long enough to reach. The chain reached even with some extra.

I open the door and I internally thank the heavens. I did my business, I looked around the bathroom, there are a shower, toilet sink, And no windows. There are no windows in my rooms.

I decided to try the other door. I walk over to it turn the handle and the door opens! I thought since in a captive that they would lock the door. I start to walk out the door. A few seconds later I fall right on my face knocking the wind out of me. I turn on my back gasping for air.

Finally, I regain my ability to breathe when the woman from earler. She was just as beautiful if not more.

"What do you think you're doing," she asks with a smug smirk on her face.

"I-I'm not doing anything" I respond, I don't know why I lied It was obvious that I was trying to escape.

"Are you sure you're doing nothing?" she questioned me.

"I promise" I responded hoping she would leave me alone, but I was wrong.

She unlocked the chain that was around my ankle. I quickly stud up and was about to start running she appeared in front of me and used her hands and pushed me to the ground and said

"no, you don't"

"Please just let me go, I won't tell anyone" I begged as tears were streaming down my face.

"you're my mate, I can't just let you go" I am confused, I am confused with what she said. So being the smart being I am I asked.

"whats a mate"

352 words

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