Chapter 14

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I ended up passing out on the way to the bedroom. It took a little bit of effort to open my eyes becasue all my crying made my eye lids get stuck. I noticed that my body wasent in the pain it was yesterday. I felt as good as new, It made the events of the other day feel like a dream. I looked around the room to see it was mistress's room and she was no where to be seen.

I saw that I was wearing bed cloths again, not the sweatpants or shirt, Meaning someone had changed me. I could feel the heat rise to my face at the thought.Then mistress came out of the bathroom and looked me in the eyes.

"How are you feeling, you took a beating yesterday?" she questioned me

"I feel fine... w-wait that was yesterday!? I-I cant heal that fast!" I said quickley getting out of the bed to look for any signs of injury.

"Shhh..." she said wraping her arms around my waist to try and calm me. " I just healed you, vampire blood is rather special in that way" she whisperd in my ear and I felt shivers go down my back. one of her hands started traveling lower when there was a knock on the door.

"what?" she hissed at the door, clearly annoyed.

''Mrs Evagline , your father wishes to see you and the human join him for dinnier " Said a polite as a old man dressed in a suit opens the door to reveal himself.

" And why should I do that?" She said with no less aggression.

" Because your father would like to see you, you havent eaten with your family in a while and I suggest you change" he said the last part twirling his fingr at us. Then he closed the door and left. I then heard the lady whos name I now know groaned in anoyance.

"I guess i will find you someting more sutible for my family, but I dont mind what your already wearing" she said the second part purring and slowly trailing her hands down my body. My face goes red in embarrassment.

"N-no thank you" I respond.

" Fine then, and I dont want my family to see you in somthing that skimpy" She sighed out. She than went into her closet, a minute later I had clothes hit my face. I quickly went into the bathroom to change before she could say any thing about it.

418 words

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