Chapter 12

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I woke to an empty bed. It was cold, cold as if no one was there to begin with even though I knew she had been there last night. I then open my eyes to what I presume is her bed, even though I wish It was mine. Its sheets where so soft that I could find happiness without leaving. But I still wished so bad that it was just a dream, no matter how typical I sounded. I eventually check my ankle and to my suprise there was no chain attached. I would have thought she would put it on so I wouldnt be able to leave. With the thought of escaping I quickly get out of the bed and speed walk to the door. I try not to go to fast and get my hopes up like I always end up doing.

It unfortunetly was locked.

I took a deep breath to try and calm myself down, and so I dont freak out again and the mistress lady, finds out and kicks my ass. Thinking about it just made me feel an unfavorable emotion.

I begain thinking about ways to escape. I knew the washroom was a nope so I walked to the other door, and opened it to reveal a rather large room filled with clothes.

I looked down at myself and saw I was only wear the thin bedclothes that were put on last night with immeasurable speed that honestly freaked me out. I really didnt want to stay in these pieces of fabrice that little to the imagination and left me cold. I quickly grabed some black sweat pants and a plaid button up shirt. I was very happy to be in some clothes that kept me cozy, warm and at peace as I could be.

I walk out of the closet and then start to pace around the room trying to think of something to do ,but the only thing that was in my mind was the gods damned bathroom window. I paced trying to think of another way out.
I give up on thinking and walk to the bathroom in a fast pace.

I walk stright to the window, and tried to open it ,but it still apeared to be stuck. I yanked on it some more ,but not doing anything with my week body. I was asking myself why I was even trying. I started thinking that I could try to break it with a chair ,but decided againts it not wanting to be too loud.

I give up on the window and walk to the door. I tug on it a little ,but to no avail. I notice that the handle has a key hole on the inside. I instantly run to the vanity that I sow in the closet earlier and hopeing to find a bobby pin. I thank the gods when I spot a container full of them.

I first put one in my hair just in case some thing where to happen. Then I grab another and quickely move to the door. I could feel my heart raceing as I fiddle with the bobby pin ,and takeing forever to unlock it thanks to my inexperience.

I ended up getting it unlocked after awhile of my nonsence. I put the bobby pin in my pocket so when ,or if I get caught they both hopefully wont be found. I then start my way down the hallway, not opening any of the doors I see so if someones in them I wont be caught.

I end up at the top of some stairs, and I could see a door to what I peersumed was the outside world. I quickely walk toward the door, hand on the door handle when ...

629 words

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I will publish the next chapter when this gets 10 votes!!

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