Chapter 11

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I woke up with an arms wraped around my waist. I try to wiggle myself out of the arms incasing me, but with the notice of my movement the arms tighten around me. I stop struggling and turn onto my other side, greeted my the face of my so called mistress. I didt feel very suprised to see her face, I was glad it wasent some old man way past his prime.

"Shhhhhh... stop moving, sleep" She said with a deeper voice due to her obvious want for more sleep.

"I-I have to use the bathroom" I said the first thing that came to mind, even though I didnt actually need to.

"go go" Said dismissng me to use the restroom, and unwraping her arms from around me. "You have to come back after"

I took that as a chance to leave the bed, as I get up I notice that the room im in is not the one from earlier. I had forgotten we moved to a different room. I scurry to one of the two doors, I open it to see a bathroom. I quickly slip into the bathroom.

I sit on the toilet wondering how long I could stay in here before she would think somthings up. I look around the bathroom and notice a window It looked big enough to fit through.

I move toward it my heartbeat starts to race as my fingers grip the window.I pull on the window ,but It wouldnt budge. I keep tugging on it panic starting to rise from within me. My attempts become sloppy as I franticly try to open the window. Tears start to fall down my face. My hope of leaving crushed. I dont know why I even tried, of course she would keep me from escaping.

I fall to my knees crying not even trying to stop the sounds that were coming from me. This was my fate, to be imprisoned for my whole useless life. I could feel myself crack as if I was made of glass. I had never been a strong person, and moments like these were making that clear.

I stayed on my knees and crying out a storm for what felt like hours. untill I had heard a chuckle from behind me.

" Are you crying because the window wont open" She said with a mocking tone. Her words made me see red as I shot up from my knees, and moved towards her with a fast pace. When I got in front of her I started banging on her chest screaming like a banshee.

"You think that hurts me? " she said questioning me " Because it feels like a little ant is pokeing me" she said with a little laugh at the end. Her making fun of me made my attacks more pathetic, while tears start to stream down my face again.

"S-stop makeing f-fun of m-me!" I said while hiccuping my words. I tried to slam my right fist into her again, but she caught it in one hand. I then tried to hit her with my left but she caught it in her other hand. She then bent at the hips a little, lowering herself to my level because she is a few inches taller. Her face was now close enough to mine that I could feel her breath on my face.

"You done yet?'' she said with a sly smerk on her face. I try to pull my hands out of hers ,but she dosent even move inch. She chuckles at trivial attemts to free myself.

I stop trying to get my hands free, look her in the face and ask " Can I use the bathroom"

"If you really had to go you would've" She responds. she lets go of one hand, turns her body and starts to walk back to the bed.

" Right now I am going to go back to sleep and you will join me" She says with an authoritative voice. She slides unto the bed and under the covers while holding my wrist.

"Now" she said to me and I did as I was told. I got under the covers, let her wrap her hands around my waist.

I lay there, feeling uneasy in my head, but in a sort of peace in my heart. I didnt think I would get much rest laying with her ,but I soon fell into a slumber that I would enjoy.

746 words

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This is a longer one than I normally do so please enjoy
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