Chapter 22

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Alana's pov

I then woke up at the smell of smoke, I open my eyes a little still sleepy to see the smoke filled air. I push my heavy body up into a sitting postion. I take a deep breath in, but let out a strangeled cough because of the some getting in my lungs. I cral over to the bars and wrap my hands around the bars stabbling myself. I look between the bars for the man that usally stand out side my cell, but hes not there.

"Someone there!?" I scream out banging on the bars,but I was anserd by only silence.

"Some one get my out of here!' I growel out trying to sake the bars, but it probably looks like im crazy. With another breath in I get into a coughing fit. I hit my hands on the bars as I cough the smoke in and out of me.

"help" I wheeze out. I close my eyes starting to get dizzy. I mannage to keep my self upright ,but the bars have become a life line of sorts. I have to look up to see him.When I look up I see a blurry man with firey red hair outside my cell.

"You here to help me" I weakly speak out.

"no" he tells me. I scwint my eyes to get a better look at him ,but there is too much smoke to see clearly. "but I can give you something to fix your problum"

"Really? you can help" I ask hopful.

"Yes" he said rather emotionless. "It will take away your pain ,just bring your face closer to me"

I let out a string of coughs. I then brought my face to the bars and did what he said with out question. He took a vial out of his pocket, and now that He was closer I could see that the suit is expencive, worth far more money then I could ever afford.

"Open" he said and I was brought out of my trance. I look at him cofused to what he was asking. Relizing my confusion he tapped a finger to his lips and I got the message. I opened my mouth and he brought the vial towards me. He poured the red liquid into my mouth.

"now drink" he ordered. It stung my tongue and my throt as I swallowed it.

I watched him stand up and walk away, I tried to speck out and ask him not to leave ,but I was unable. My vision got worse and I could see white spots. I dont know why I drank it, I dont even know what it is. I just felt compelled to.

I couldnt see anything and my body felt to heavy to move.I feel a hot pain shot through my body, and I slowly curled myself into a ball despite the heavy feeling. I closed my eyes and hoped it would just take me already, but I felt like I was forgeting something, but that feeling quikly swept away as my world went black.

513 words

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