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"Girl, get a grip of everything," Erika told me sternly, attempting to get my head out of the clouds, "Don't be so paranoid about that he's the son of the Coopers."

Maddy joined in, "Actually, she can," She explained, "She's literally paired up with the hot douche for the entire summer. And to know that he's the child of the enemies of her family, is just uncomfortable and painful to watch. Just sayin'..."

"We get the picture," I sighed, planting my face in my hands while mourning, "It's just so weird and will take a lot of time to get used to," I elaborated then ranted while sprinkling everything with a bitchy eyeroll, "And to think my family and his don't see each other, eye to eye."

Maddy shoveled for more info, "The question is: did you gather further info why his family eternally hates you?"

Erika nodded in agreement, "That's the question you've been trying to shovel for answers for years, girlfriend."

"No," I shook my head with a brief answer then proceeded, "He... is as dumb as a lost compass and doesn't have a fucking clue like me."

I burried my face in my hands, "It's gonna be do awkward. Will it though?" I looked between my friends, praying for hope to avoid the awkward tension between me and Alex.

Erika bit her tongue with an unsure look, signaling that she's secretly telling me that there's no chance about decreasing the awkward moments.

"C'mon, think of it as a challenge," Maddy said in a high pitched tone, "The next activity is gonna start in a few minutes, so that can be an obstacle," She shrugged, rotating her head for warm-ups.

Erika mentioned, "I mean, you did say you want everything to change and go your way a few months ago when you ranted about your parents," She tried to enlighten me, "There you go! Served on a golden platter! That opportunity in front of you: change the rival between the Chandlers and Coopers."

"Erika has a point," Madison agreed, "Maybe this could be your first project in becoming an independent woman and the future chief executive officer of your company."

I shook my head with dismay, "A, I'm gonna find a way to be a professional choreographer as a graduate from Central University. And B, did you just call me not independent?"

"It doesn't sound that bad, 'Drey."

"It actually is, Maddy."


"On your marks, get set, GO!" a loud and screeching whistle echoed in my ears, causing my take off from the starting point along with Alex.

For our assigned activity today is that as partners we have to retrieve a flag then give it to Sam in less than two hours.

We zoomed off to a slightly drifted piece of land. We haven't spoken yet and I think things were going great until he started a conversation.

Alex and I rounded a corner, "You feelin' better idiot?" He looked at me while jogging.

"Not really..." I shook my head slowly, "I'm actually... still thinking about some stuff right now."

"Do you think it's better if we split up?" I asked, kinda wanting to get away fron him a bit after last night, "We'll find what we're supposed to hunt for faster," I explained with hope in my eyes.

Alex rolled his eyes at me, "Did you event listen earlier?" He questioned, his running capabilities became slower, "Did you hear what Sam said? She told us we can't separate so when one of us finds the flag, the other one won't have to chase after time when looking for his or her partner," He elaborated," Besides, according to her, this is a practice of cooperation and teamwork," He mimicked our mentor's high pitched voice.

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