t h i r t y o n e

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"He's just so aggravating!" I ranted out to Shawn, pouting my lips and folding my arms across my chest, "It's like he can't just accept that we're not together anymore!"

Shawn patted my shoulder, "He still loves you, Audrey," He reasoned out to me with a soft encouraging grin.

I shook my head, "Well that's not the point. How am I supposed to get Alex back? His parents loathe me!" I sulked out, raving onto my bed.

He lfted my chin up, "The time will come, sis," He whispered, "Just remember that God doesn't give you what you want immediately. It will take some time. And if he doesn't give you what you want, he has greater plans for you," He nodded at me.

"Thanks, Shawn," I smiled soothingly at him before taking him into a bone crushing hug, "You're the best!"

Shawn's fingers dressed up with my hair, "I know. Just remember what I told you, 'Drey," He hummed, his lips perking up.

"It's almost time for lunch," I informed him, staring at the clock hanging on my wall, "Mom and Dad will be calling us any second now."

I was dying of starvation. And according to our maids, we are going to have roast beef with steaming gravy pouring over, along with a tower of seafoods you could barely imagine.

As if on cue, there was a knock on my door. Dad appeared giddily in his formal business attire, and his hair perfectly slicked back.

He grinned at me and Shawn, then said, "Dress up, you two. We have a very important meeting," He explained eagerly.

My brother and I cocked a brow in confusion before looking at each other. Honestly, we had no idea what occassion we're going to attend.

Based on Father's smile, it must be something big that will benefit our family. Curious, I questioned, "What's the event?"

"You'll see," were the only words he said before closing the door behind his back. That's it? No specific information about this? Dad isn't normally up for any surprises but this seemed to be a nutcracker.

Shawn got up from the end of my bed, telling me, "Uhh... I'll see you downstairs?" I could tell he was also anxious about this surprise Dad has planned.

I nodded then watched him proceed out of my room to change in fine and presentable clothes like Dad's.

Racing to my closet, I was already picturing the image of my outfit in my head. Dad looked all fancy, so I guess I have to wear tight dresses, and put my hair in an updo?

A few minutes passed and I finally placed my perfect outfit together like matching puzzle pieces: a Jade cut white dress that reached the top of my thighs, and matching sandals.

I was having a debate in my head whether I should pick out a flower crown braid for my hairstyles, letting my hair flow past down my shoulders, or tying the middle section of my hair into a simple but delicate hairdo.

Finally, I picked out the first option. Although it required a lot of blood, sweat, tears, and several bobby pins to hold the hairstyle together.

My makeup wasn't any extravagant. It was my everyday look but with added fake lashes. To match the angelic but no-work look I was going for, I wore golden touches of jewelry.

And soon, I was ready to go.


I desperately clung to my stomach, then whined, "But Mom, Dad, I'm hungry and I didn't even eat breakfast!" I pouted in their faces.

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