s i x t e e n

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An activity has ended today and I'm completely exhausted. Who knew rock climbing would be a threat to your skin?! Ugh!

Fortunately for me, Alex returned to his cool and clownish self and didn't bring up the topic of him liking me for God's sake.

My older brother, Shawn, called me several times today, and he was kind of damn annoyed because I wasn't answering his forty seven calls, and I just got to answer two.

I wore a robe over my shoulders then tied my hair into a messy bun. I know, my hair is wet since I just took a shower, but desperate times calls for drastic measures, right?

God damn, I hate climate change. First it was all sunny, then it will turn cold here in Los Angeles, and now it feels like I went very close to the fucking sun, wearing a thin flannel. Why does it even become cold in Los Angeles? It's always sunny here.

I was scrolling through my Instagram feed when a text popped out from the top of the screen. Huh. Alex never texts me to be honest.

A L E X: Meet @ my cabin L8r 2nyt?

M E: ?

A L E X: Just u and me. 7 PM after dinner. Sounds gud?

For a moment there I was hesitant. I really didn't know how things would go from there.

But I wanted to be the kind friend who'll stick around him when needed. I bit my lip slowly, replying back to his message.

M E: Ok.

That's when Zoë, Erika, and Madison entered the cabin, drenched with sweat in their slimy tops. They had very messy hair and a feeble form.

"Well I'm soaked!" Maddy said in a miserable way, crawling over to her side of the room to take out a thin white top.

Erika ran a hand through her pixie cut hair, "Why is it so hot?! I'm melting into a fucking puddle right now!" She whined like a stubborn child.

Zoey took off her thick leather jacket, exposing her pale skin, "I'm used to it. But it is pretty hot."

I rested my cheek against my palm while drumming my fingers on my desk, "You know that wouldn't happen if you don't wear thick clothes," I said with the tone of the obvious

Madison took off her sweaty top, revealing her lacy bra then she swept her blonde hair to the side as she wore a new and clean top.

"Excuse me, I'm Zoë fucking Fedelin, bitch," She said with a flat voice, "I've been an emo for more than three years and I refuse to wear any fucking clothes that could reveal my skin."

Erika grinned, "Clear that out. Let's watch Netflix on Maddy's laptop again."

Zoë complained quickly, "Hell no. I'm not watching some... Hugging Stall, or Veronica is a Winner shit ass!"

Maddy giggled, "FYI, you sound like my own mother now. And B, it's Kissing Booth and Sierra Burgess is a Loser."

"Potato, afritada, patatas," Zoey said carelessly, forming her hand into a mouth and shaking it up and down in front of Maddy and Erika, "I don't care."

I drew my hair down then started combing out the tangles it formed while I broke the news to them, "Wrong timing. I have to hang out with Alex again," I explained.

Erika frowned, "Really? Again?! It's like that hot fuck boy is taking our best bitch away from us. What do you guys do then when you're away? Fuck each other senseless-?Damn I bet he's great in bed now that I've thought of it-"

"Are you sure you and Cooper aren't dating?" Zoë questioned then reasoned, "You two seem pretty attached to one another."

"Alex is just a friend, Zoë."

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