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Jungkook was woken up by his phone ringing, groaning in annoyance.

"Hello" He grumpily answered.

 ''Yo Jk, where are you? Jin and I are at the beach already. Hoseok went to the pack to visit his mates" Namjoon said.

"Shit. Hyung I'm still in bed, I'm gonna get ready now, sorry. Did you get there a long time ago?" Jungkook answered, getting up.

"No, we got here about five minutes ago" Namjoon said with a chuckle.

"Ah ok, I'm coming, see you there hyung" 

"Alright, see you," Namjoon said hanging up.

Getting out of bed, Jungkook walked to the bathroom washing his face, heading back in his bedroom to pack spare clothes and sandals. After fixing his bag, he heard a knock on his door.


"Good morning sir, your breakfast is ready" Ms. Elena said.

"Ah, thank you, I will be down in a moment" 

"Yes sir, you are very welcome"

Hearing the elder's footsteps disappearing, Jungkook walked back in the bathroom, taking a shower. Dressing up after his shower, he walks downstairs with his bag held in hand.

As always, he calmly ate his delicious breakfast, thanking the elder who smiled at him.

"I will be out for the day, when you're done today, you can leave and be back Monday" Jungkook said with a smile.

"Thank you, I'm glad you liked it, have fun" Ms. Elena said, also she is human.

With that, Jungkook went to his garage spending about five minutes choosing which car will be the best for the beach and soon was on his way.


Taehyung woke up by ten thirty and stretched his body, he sat on the bed to admire his handsome toes, which he does every morning then remembered he was going out for the day. 

Dragging himself to the bathroom, he did his morning routine, then had breakfast. Packing his bag he took his phone, keys, and purse with his bus pass in it and was on his way.


Arriving at the beach, Jungkook parked the car, calling Namjoon's phone.

"Hello there Jungkook'' Someone else answered.

"Hi Jin-hyung, I'm at the beach and I cant see you guys" Jungkook said while changing his timberlands with his sandals.

"We're at the end, where there are less people people" Jin explained.

Jungkook couldn't help but smile, "Ah sure hyung, I'm coming"


 Once the call was hunged up, Jungkook took his bag and started his walk.


After getting off the bus Taehyung was on his five minutes trip to the beach sand.

 His long five minutes trip was over, but it was too crowded for his senses, so he looked around and saw a spot where there were only about ten people which was at the far end of the beach.

 Walking there, he found an empty spot so he opens his blanket and lay down, putting his headphones on.


Ignoring the winks and whistles he was getting, Jungkook walked up to the spot Jin was seated, looking at the water.

"Hi jin-hyung" he greeted.

"Hey Jk" Jin answered.

"Where's Namjoon-hyung?" 

"Oh, he's swimming" 

"That's good" 

Nodding, Jungkook took a seat, placing his bag beside him.

"So Jungkook'' 


"Have you found your mate yet?"

"No, I haven't but I'm still looking for-" 

A sudden gush of wind blew across the duo's face, causing Jungkook to stop in his sentence. Uncovering their faces once it was over, the duo looked around confused.

 ''Where did that come from?'' Jin asked.

 ''I don't know'' Jungkook answered. 

Chuckling between them, the two fixed the things, sitting down again.

 ''Anyways, as I was saying. Did you find your mate yet?'' 

''Oh yeah, no I haven't'' 

''Don't lose hope''

 ''I won't'' 

 Patting the younger's back in comfort, Jin took two drinks, giving him one. 


 ''No problem''  

Enjoying the scenery, the two became silent, but Jungkook froze causing Jin to look at him, worriedly. 

"You're okay?"

 He didn't get an answer. 

Following the younger's stare, Jin noticed a young man laying down with his headphones. Smiling happily, he watched as Jungkook's eyes turned silver, a low growl leaving his lips, followed by a soft, ''Mate''.  

 Once he heard that, Jin sprints up, walking to the person. He could hear Jungkook's voice calling him, but decided to ignore it.


Taehyung was laying down with his eyes close when he heard an "Excuse me?" 

Hearing the voice, he took off his headphones, turning around. He smiled almost immediately when he noticed it was Jin.

"Hi Jin-hyung," He greeted, sitting up.

"Oh Tae!, I didn't know you would be at the beach today," Jin said brightly.

"Yeah, I actually thought of that last night before going to sleep'' 

''Nice nice''

"Yep!, so how are you?" 

"I'm alright, decided to come here to relax a little"

"Mhm, it was a lot yesterday" 

"It really was"

 "Namjoon-hyung is here too?"

 "He's gone in the water for a while now, probably looking for crabs" 

Chuckling at the older's words, Taehyung nodded.

 ''So where are you guys?''

 ''We're a few steps down, let me show you'' 

Standing beside the older, Taehyung followed his finger when he noticed a young man running towards them. 

Taehyung met eyes with the young man, unable to look away. His heart pace increased as the other got close, sweeping him off his feet with a hug. That's when he smelled it, pine and mint. 

He found his mate. 

Happily smiling, Taehyung hugged the other tightly as he was twirled around, beautiful laughs filling his ears.



THE MIX (Vkook)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora