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~4 years ago~

It was a school day afternoon the last day of the week.

It has been two weeks since school reopened after winter break.

The shool bell rung as the classes started to get empty but they didn't notice it was raining.

Some kids started running out and some pulling out their umbrellas walking out calmly.

Along with kids who had the umbrellas was a black haired boy with a purple one walking to the black car waiting for him.

An elder man came out of the car with his umbrella holding the younger's helping him get in the car.

They started driving towards the young boy's house as he was lost staring at the wet streets.

After a long moment the car came to a stop in front of a grey colored mansion.

Thanking the driver the young boy got out of the car walking inside, he cheerfully respond to the maid's greetings walking to his parents in the living room greeting them also.

He head upstairs in his room stretching himself undressing taking a nice bath after.

He dressed himself finishing with some work as he walk back downstairs to eat.

He walked in the dining room eating his food walking to his parents in the living room.

He sat down nervously looking at the adult once his mother noticed him she smiles opening her arms.

He scoot over to his mother hugging her as she played with his hair.

"How was your day darling?" She ask.

"Good and yours mom?" He reply.

"That's good my boy" She said.

"How was yours appa?" Tae ask his father.

The elder man glared at him not replying going back to his paper the younger pouted lightly resting his head on his mother's chest.

"Eomma?" He called.

"Yes baby" the elder woman reply.

"I-I h-have something t-to tell you" He said sitting up.

"Did you get in trouble at school?" She ask sternly.

"What? no no no, I didn't" The younger reply.

"Then what is it honey?" She question.

The young boy's attention to his father.

"Appa?" He called.

"What?" The man reply bluntly.

"Can you please listen?" He ask quietly.

An annoyed sigh left the elder's lips as he fold his paper his attention on the younger.

Even though the young boy didn't like the attention he still tries to talk clearly.

"S-So I've be-been a-analysing" He started.

"Just get to the godamn point kid" His father said causing the younger to flinch at his tone.

"I-I l-like b-boys" He said quietly hunging his head.

"What?" His mother ask in shock but her voice still sweet and calm.

"I-I like boys" The boy reply.

"I-I heard you but since when?" She ask.

"Since when what?" He ask.

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