Hey, Blonde Ditz? You Have Puke In Your Hair!

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"This, is the floor. It's been covered with cement... for awhile. This, is a building. Its been teaching students... for awhile." Jesse mimicked my tour guiding as we walked through the courtyard. I glance up at him with amusement filling my features.

"I thought I was suppose to be the one giving you the tour?" I ask, softly. He chuckles.

"Well you haven't really been talking much, now have you? Thought I could give you a little push?" He offers kindly. He was a good actor I'll admit; he almost seemed genuine.

"Well first I thought I could show you where you'll be living. I'm assuming you're either in the dorms or you're going to be jointing a fraternity." Jesse looked around at the area.

"Well where are we going?" A secret little smirk dances along my face.

"The fraternity and sorority houses." I tell him. Jesse was clearly an arrogant fellow. He took up a lot of space. Physically and spiritually. So I wasn't too surprised when I suddenly couldn't feel his overwhelming presence. I stop and look back, noticing he's a few feet behind me. When I finally take notice of him he walks back up to me.

"You're just gonna assume I want to be in a fraternity?!" He asks, clearly offended. I continue to walk.

"Well, yes. Don't take offense, you just seem like the type." Jesse scoffs as he follows.

"And what exactly do you mean by the typ-

"Were you not?" I interrupt him.

"Was I not what?"

"Planning to pledge."

"Of course not!" Jesse scoffs once again in disbelief.

"And why not?" I turn my head to look at him with a brow raised, obviously I didn't believe him. Jesse hesitates to answer.

"They're dirty." He murmurs.

I instantly break out into laughter.

"Oh, you are so right. I totally forgot to take that aspect of your personality into account." I say, calming down from my laughter. Up ahead I could see the houses.

"And how exactly do you know my personality?" Jesse asks, his tone of voice expecting me to fail. I stop and turn to him in front of one of the schools sororities.

"I know guys like you, Jesse. Heartbreaks who don't care who they hurt." I state. Something passes over jesses face. Before I have time to comprehend exactly what it was, Jesse takes a step forward.

My brows furrow immediately as I watch his movements with incredible confusion. He steps up to me, his hand brushes my cheek and places my hair behind my ear. He slowly leans down close to my face. Believe me, I would move if I could. I just felt so... frozen. Frozen. Paralyzed in absolute horror...

"Awe, but girl, I don't wanna break your heart. I wanna hold it." He says quietly, his voice smooth and low. He stays right where he is and all I want... is for him to move away. Because for some reason, I can't! He suddenly starts cracking up, taking a few steps away from me. As soon as he does, I inhale deeply, finally feeling able to use my lungs. "Was that stereotypical frat boy enough for you?" He asks, still laughing. I hesitantly start to join in.

"Yeah, yeah. Good one.." I trail off, my chest feeling weird. I mean he's hot but he's not...hot hot?

"I totally got this actor thing, in the bag."

Before I can over analyze my weird teenage feelings, a blonde Barbie comes tumbling out of the sorority. She stumbles around the gate and stops having difficulty doing so when she sees us.

Balancing Love ☞︎ A Jesse St. James fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now