If This Stuck Up College Party Girl Talks Crap, I Will Go Feral

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The next morning my father didn't utter a word. But I bet the bags under my eyes, and the fact that they were bloodshot could tell you the whole story. He let me not talk about any of it; and I really didn't want to.

My friends from Lima had kept me up on the drama that transpired afterwords. I understand the aggression, but Santana really needs to learn to calm down. It might help her better in the long run. Besides the depressing news of all that happened during their time after nationals, many of them texted me their summer plans/adventures and wondered what I was doing during my three months.

I gave them the general answer of dancing as I didn't really know what I was going to be doing if anything at all. I never made any plans to meet up with them over the summer giving that same generic answer.

I hadn't danced that entire summer either. Ironic, I guess. I couldn't muster up the strength or motivation. Again, dad didn't say anything. But I could feel my joints aching, my muscles needed to be stretched. It was quite literally starting to hurt me not to dance. Especially since I had gotten rid of that whole walking thing for the most part. I rarely left for the bathroom, not feeling bothered to go. My dad would bring me all the food I needed, or it would already be in my room. I worried about ants but quickly came to the conclusion that I didn't care.

I was also back to watching tv. The brief welcoming of Jesse back into my life had reset my spiraling and moping back to the start. I think my dad understood that and let me mope. He had gone through the same when my mom left basically right after giving birth to me. He probably didn't get much time to mope, having a new baby to take care of...

I didn't know how much time my father had spent moping over the sorry excuse that was my mother, but for me, it had been three short months and school was starting again very soon. My senior year. Then I would be heading off into a future that I wasn't sure what it would consist of.

I sigh, plopping myself to lay back on my bed. I was hurting,- and not just emotionally- I wasn't hungry, and I was bored watching my show. I smack my hand around my bed looking for my phone. When I finally manage to acquire it, I unlock it and click onto my dads contact. I patiently wait for him to answer the phone.

"Hi, sweetie!" He greets in an intensely cheery voice.

"Hi, dad."

"What's going on, hun." He asked. For a moment, I seriously thought about telling him everything and ranting to someone for a good few hours before apologizing about how I had been acting all summer. But then I thought about how weird I would feel about it afterwords(not the apology, the ranting). No matter how good the relationship between us was.

"I was wondering if you could check the dance studio roster? Has it been booked for anyone today?" I ask him. He doesn't answer for a solid minute and I just assumed he was immediately going to check without any questioning. How foolish I was.

"You're going to dance?" He asks, surprise evident in his tone.

"Yeah dad."

"... Should I call Paige and have her come by?" He questions. Fear instantly grips my like a vice. I go rigid on my bed thinking about how she'll react once she sees me.

"N-no dad, that's fine. I'll just be dancing by myself." I express to him.

"Alright. Now, lemme check." He says distractingly. I hear a few clicks on the other end of the phone.

"Nope! Studio's all clear, sweetheart. Dance to your hearts content." He cheers. We say a quick goodbye, I gather some of my stuff and head to the studio, praying deep in the back of my mind that Madame wasn't waiting there in the shadows for my return.

Balancing Love ☞︎ A Jesse St. James fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now