I Would Rather Be Buried In Snow Than Withstand This Tension

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Kurt, Rachel, and Santana had gone back to Lima for a bit as Will was getting married! I was invited as well but I though it would be weird with our past mixed with all Jesse did and such. So I got the apartment all to myself.

Of course, when Jesse heard I was alone, he flew in for a visit. Now, Rachel, Kurt, and Santana we're back and Jesse was stuck in Bushwick. The snow had been coming down hard. We thought it would be ok but Jesse was forced to cancel his flight.

That worked well for me though as I was glad to spend as much time with him as possible. But besides Jesse, things were pretty bleak. Rachel, Kurt, and Adam who I'm pretty sure is Kurts boyfriend are theatre obsessed psychos and they were driving me insane.

"No, you're doing it wrong; daisy." Kurt says in a weird voice. I look down at Jesse- who I'm sitting on, confusedly.

"He's imitating Mrs. Patmore." Jesse whispers. I nod, understanding now. As Adam follows in the imitation. Adam was cooking, Kurt was at the table watching, Santana was at the window but now sat with us at the table.

"Ok. Do it again, do it again." Kurt pleaded.

"Okay... welcome. To downtown abbey." Adam said, making him, Kurt, and much to my surprise, Jesse, burst out in laughter.

"So where are you from, doctor who?" Santana asked, making all laughter cease.

"Uh, England. Do you know Essex?" Adam asked.

"No, never heard of it," Santana answered immediately before turning to Kurt. "Are you two dating? Because at Mr. Shues bomb of a wedding, you and Blaine, like..." Santana trailed off.

"Mind your business Santana." I mutter, already sick of her trying to sabotage things. She hasn't stopped making things weird between Jesse, Rachel, and I since she got here...

"Shut up, Santana. Madi, Rachel, and I are letting you live here rent-free. The least you could do is-"

"Where is Rachel anyways? Giving that living mannequin a bikini wax?" Santana interrupted, weaseling herself into everyone's business. As usual.

"Uh, Brody is working and Rachel is in the bathroom." Adam explains.

"Well, lets hope she's embracing her inner bulimic because let me tell you, homegirl has been looking extremely pumpkin like and not just cause of the tan in a can." Santana rants. I look at her, my jaw dropped.

"What the hell, Santana?!"

"Okay, that's it!" Rachel said, storming into the area. "You're gonna have to move out because this is our sanctuary, and by ours, I mean mine, Madi's, and Kurts, and frankly, you make me feel uncomfortable, and Brody says that you make him feel uncomfortable as well." Rachel rambles.

"Girls, girls, retract the claws, all right? NYADA cancelled all the classes because of the snow, so let's just cozy up to our little movie marathon. Santana, did you go through our DVD collection?" Kurt says hurriedly, defusing the situation.

"Sure did. Uh, knocked up. Hilarity. Rosemarys baby- that's obviously lady Hummels. And uh, she's having a baby." Santana listed, making me confused why they all had to do with having children.

"I don't want to watch any of those." Rachel snapped.

"Oh, really Rachel? Not even she's having a baby? Cause you always cry at the end when Elizabeth McGovern has the baby." Kurt whines softly. Rachel rolls her eyes.

"I'm not in the mood, ok? I'm not in the mood." Rachel says. I look between Rachel and the look Santana is sending her. Something is going on...

"Ok, fine. Because I have made a selection that is perfect for being snowed-in in New York City," Kurt says, standing up to hold a movie up to show us all. "Moulin rouge, bitches! We love those dancin hoe's." Kurt says in a pitchy voice.

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