She Is WAY Scarier Than PennyWise

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It had been a few days since I had shown Jesse around. I was about half way through my junior year and then after my senior year, I was going to become a high school a graduate. Then after that, I had to figure out what I was going to do with my life. Did I want to continue ballet? Did I want to go into another profession? Did I want to go to an arts school? Did I want to go here, to UCLA? I had absolutely no idea and I suddenly cherished this year and a half left of school.

Spring semester for UCLA was also starting very very soon. Jesse St. James would be going to UCLA. What if we ran into each other? How weird what that be? Like, really weird?

Jesse had explained that he had wanted to hold off going to school for the year to travel a bit. But it didn't work out how he planned so he made an arrangement with my father and got himself into the spring semester. My father was usually a very understanding man when it came to college students figuring out their lives.

I pondered over all this as my feet were resting in an ice bucket of water. The blisters and cuts along my feet were fierce and disgusting. But so worth it. Point was a beautiful form of ballet and I loved it dearly. Hated the pain. Loved the pain. Madame also said that numb feet equals painless feet. Until your feet thaw out and you feel the pain tenfold.

Madame was in the corner, looking through her hundreds of CD's. Most likely looking for songs to play as she works me to death. I watch her, having nothing else to do. I had seen her dance before. She use to be so graceful. Her posture was perfect and her moves were done with poise and grace. You could still see the dancer in her bones as she walked around the room and practically demanded to be watched in admiration.

I shift uncomfortably in my chair, the ice was getting to me. I immediately hiss back, making an audible sound. The harsh cold jabbing into my skin.

"Do not move!" She yells, not looking away from her CD's. I sigh deeply and carefully settle back down. Not much longer. Just gotta remind myself, not much longer. I look back over to her.

"Madame." I address.

"Yes..?" She asks, her voice drawling out the word as her voice increases in pitch.

"Why... Why did you stop dancing? Why didn't you get the knee surgery?" I ask gingerly. I see her stiffen as her posture becomes amazingly more straight. She jerks over to look at me carefully. She eyes me with caution, probably wondering why I randomly asked such a thing. Then, she slowly starts to make her way over to me.

"I am here to teach you, Madelaine. I do not work for you, I do not need to answer your questions. We are not friends, nor will we ever be. I think it's best to just stay out of each other's lives." She says stiffly, her voice stern. I got to nod when suddenly a knock resonates through the room.

"Who is there?! We have this room booked for the day." Madam informed whoever was on the other side. The door opened anyway and a familiar mop of brown hair entered the room.

"Hey... I was just wondering if Madelaine Rivers was in here?" He asks before looking around. I sit there, shocked. I had purposely not told him my name. I didn't think he'd have the common sense to look it up. He spots me and keeps his eyes firmly on my own. "Ah, there you are." He points at me with a smirk before he walks in and closes the door behind him. I eye him as he walks up to us. He eyes move onto my teacher and his smirk falters.

"Hi, Jesse St. James." He introduces, his smirk quick to re-gain. Madam looks down at his hand with disgust. She purses her lips and turns to look down at me.

"I am going to leave you here, it is time for my lunch," she explains as she starts walking to the door. "Oh, and do take care of this problem before I get back." She orders, the slam of the door signaling her dismissal. I look away from the door and turn to Jesse who's hand had fallen back to his side. I watch him as he shudders, turning to look down at me with his lip upturned.

Balancing Love ☞︎ A Jesse St. James fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now