✰Madelaine Rivers✰

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Madelaines mother left her and her father. She didn't return into Madelaines life until her opening night. But Madelaine quickly threw her out. They reconnected a few years after the fiasco. Her mother explained and talked a lot. It took awhile but eventually, Madi was able to start forgiving her. They now have a decent relationship and Eva is a very good grandmother.

Madelaine Rivers started dance when she was five. She danced in south Florida until she was eight when a producer named Igor Maccaux found her and got her to audition for the ballet he was producing, Sleeping Beauty. They kept her face a secret until opening night where she wowed the audience.

Everyone wanted to work with her, but Paige Resnakov shoved them away and demanded she be Madelaines teacher. They all moved to LA because of Madelaines father who got a job. There, Paige trained her for years and years. Madelaine never took another job after sleeping beauty because Paige refused them all throughout the years. Madelaine was and continued to be a legend.

Then she met Jesse her junior year of high school and everything changed for her....

Madelaine is a very sweet and respectful girl. She understands most people. She hates bullies and she generally loves to be nice and kind. But she is very sarcastic and sometimes cruel in her thoughts. But she doesn't usually act on them. She can get snippy when people annoy her and she can explode into a storm of cruel words if you push her too far.

She doesn't always know how to act as basically she's been isolated and friendless and alone her whole life. All she's ever known is her dad and her dance teacher. Along with UCLA faculty. But no one her own age. But, like dancing, she's quick to pick up on it because of her kindness and heart.

Now she isn't friends with a ton of the glee club but she's close to a few.

Kurt: Kurt was her first friend at McKinley. She saw him get humiliated on stage at prom and knew he needed help. So she found him and Blaine and hung out with them as she tried to comfort Kurt. From then on, they were best friends. They are the closest. They love each other a ton. They don't need to spend a ton of time together to be super close friends. It just happens whenever they are together. Though they have spent a ton of time together. Especially when they lived together. They always wanted the best for each other.

Blaine: Blaine was Madelaines second friend at McKinley. And even though they didn't connect as instantly as Kurt and Madelaine did, they were always super close. Madelaine comforts Blaine a lot through stuff. She was always an ear Blaine could depend on. And the same vice versa. They mostly helped with each other's problems and laughed together about stuff.

Rachel: Rachel and Madelaines friendship was non-existent at first. Madelaine was jealous that Rachel and Jesse liked each other for that brief time. But when stuff went down at prom, Madelaine couldn't help but help Rachel and urge them to still have a good time. Later on when they needed each other in NYC, they were there for each other. They pushed back the awkwardness and connected themselves through Kurt. Their best friend. But eventually, after living together and having experiences together. They became best friends too. They became super close and Madelaine was always super supportive and comforting- usually- when it came to Rachels usual drama stuff. They trusted and loved each other very much as time went on.

Santana: Madelaine hated Santana at first. Madelaine hates bullies. She hated Santana's attitude and how she wasn't grateful for anything. She hated how Santana tried to make it awkward that Madi was dating Jesse now. It didn't work. She hated how Santana picked on her friends. But eventually, they also went through some stuff. Santana mellowed out a bit and became nicer. Madelaine got to understand her better then. They became really good friends. They supported each other with Santana commercial and dating Dani (Demi Lavato) and Santana supported Madi in swan lake. They got so close that Madi invited Santana to stay with them to help her for swan lake and Santana happily agreed. Then Santana liked Madi so much she asked Madi to be a brides maid.

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