Dancing IS NOT Like Riding A Freaking Bicycle!!

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Months Later

I pace across the floor of my dressing room. Back and forth, back and forth. Hands gripping, pulling, sliding through my hair. A blue robe swishes around me as I walk. I mutter to myself, every way that this. could. go. wrong.

1) I could freeze.
2) I could forget my moves.
3) I could mess up.
4) I could-

A knock on the door literally knocks me out of my thoughts. I whip around to face the door. My hair a mess and my face filled with panic.

"Come in." I say, my voice cracking. The door opens and a man with a mic hanging across his mouth opens the door. His black shirt and cargo pants stretching in weird ways as he leans into the room.

"He's here." The man says. My face instantly falls as relief fills my body.

"Take me to him." I say weakly. The man nods and starts walking.

I follow him throughout the halls of the building. It takes awhile, but eventually, we reach the lobby. He moves to let me by. Before I can find him, I freeze. I watch all the people who are passing to walk into the theatre. Hundreds of people... oh god.

I knew they had come for me. Marcus was making this whole, welcome back to the theatre Madelaine, thing a huge deal. People took the bait.

I squeeze my eyes shut and count to ten. When I open my eyes, I look through the mass of people until I find his face. A small smile graces my face as I meet his eye. I run over, practically barreling myself into his arms. I nuzzle myself close to him. He wraps his arms around me and lays his head on top of mine.

"Now what's this I hear about being nervous?" Jesse asks teasingly. I exhale deeply, his smell comforting me.

"It's gonna be horrible. I'm gonna be horrible. I just know it..." I mumble, not being able to stop the pout forming on my lips. Jesse scoffs. I frown as he grabs my shoulders and pulls me far enough away from him to look up.

"Now that's just not true, my dear. You are going to be amazing out on that stage tonight. Besides, it's not like you can just forget how to dance. It's like riding a bike." Jesse says. I grip at his elbows. Dancing IS NOT like riding a freaking bicycle!! I want to shout at him. A lot. But I push past it and focus on the nerves eating me up inside.

"How do you know?" I ask, the vulnerability shining through my voice. Jesses face softens.

"Because you were meant to be up there. Meant to own the stage and do things no one else could ever be able to do. You know this dance, inside and out. Now, all that's left is to be confident, and go out the right emotion into it. Which I know you can do," Jesse explains to me. It all made sense and if all made me feel better, until that last sentence. I quirk my head, asking a silent question. "That dance. That dance you wrote when I came back for you. Geez, Madi, it almost made me cry. It made it clear how much I hurt you. It was clear through the emotions in your moves that I had chipped away at what made you, you. Ever since that day, I've kept a promise to myself. A promise to make sure you grow and live and be happy. A promise to build you up." Jesse says.

My emotions start to bubble over so I do the only thing over thing that ever makes me feel at piece besides dancing. I grip Jesses jacket and pull him down, smashing his lips against mine. Then just like that... bliss. He kisses me back, tugging me closer, his hands pulling at my waist.

"Thank you." I breath out after we separate a tad. His forehead resting on my own. I watch as he smiles wide.

"Believe me. It was my pleasure," He compliments, still a bit out of breath. We chuckle for a second before standing to our full heights. "The rest are here if you want to see them." Jesse says. Excitement quickly replaces my fear and nerves. I nod vigorously. Jesse laughs, taking my hand and leading me over to a small bar in the lobby area.

Balancing Love ☞︎ A Jesse St. James fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now