They Must Be Desperate For Content If Rachel's Getting A Show...

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So Rachel didn't get fired. They got threatened. But not fired. Then, she got a call and got told she didn't get the show. But they wanted to make a show about her. Knew that was terrible. I mean, they must be desperate for content if Rachel's getting a show...

Blaine ended up getting his own project in the works with June and then Kurt told me that June allowed Kurt to be in it! Which is amazing! A little surprising based off what she said to him when we all met, but why shouldn't I trust Blaines word.

Then finally, Mercedes album is dropping soon so that's exciting. Not sure if Santana is gonna be on it, but it would be cool if she was!

That Monday night potluck, Rachel, Artie, Blaine, and I are at the stove cooking as Sams setting plates and Mercedes is bringing out food.

We all walk into the living room to see Sam and Mercedes acting all cute. Jesse looks up and sees me.

"Thank, god. Save me!" He begs. I laugh and sit down next to him, kissing him sweetly on the cheek.

"See? This is exactly what my show needs to be about. Old friends struggling to make it in this world." Rachel says.

"Is it normal for network to a send writer to hand out with the star to figure out the show?" Artie asks.

"Rachel and normal don't connect!" I shout teasingly.

"Only when their stars incredibly interesting," Rachel says, ignoring my remark. "Mary Holloran is a genius. She sold her first script when she was 14 years old." Rachel says. Kurt exits his room and joins us.

"Yeah, I just don't like the idea of someone crashing Monday night dinner." Kurt says, helping set up.

"No, but the point is for her to really see my life and understand my essence, and you guys are so much of that. Besides my work, my talent, and my ambition," Suddenly there's a knock on the door. We all start moving to sit at the table. "Oh, here she is. Ok, you guys, be really nice, cause I don't want her to feel alienated," Rachel says moving to the door. She opens it to reveal a smiling Brittany. "Brittany, what's happening?!" Rachel asks.

"What up, bitches."

"What are you doing here? Oh, good, look who's here." Rachel says as Brittany hugs Artie. We all get up to say hi.

"Brittany, I thought you were on lesbian island." Mercedes says.

"No," Brittany says before she scoffs. "I lost my passport and I was trapped in the airport, like Tom hanks in that movie." Brittany starts.



"The money pit?" People start shooting out movies.

"Ok. It was castaway... So, where's Santana?" Brittany asks.

"Oh, uh, she's shooting a yeast-I-stat commercial in Iowa for a week. Apparently they have the best wheat fields to slow-motion-run through. She didn't call and tell you?" Mercedes asks after explaining.

"No. I have up my cell phone after Kiki and I broke up. The pain was too great." Brittany expresses, talking about a phone app.

"Hello? Hello? I'm Mary Halloran. Oh, is that Chinese food? Just the smell of it gives me Lady Di's." The woman explains.

"What are Lady Di's?" I whisper over to Jesse.

"No idea."

"Oh, I'm s... Hello, I'm Rachel Berry. It is so nice to meet you. Let me introduce you to my friends." Rachel says.

"Oh, no, no. Don't bother. I have a thing about names. Jonathon says it's a form of narcissism, but I think it's related to my anxiety disorder." Mary says.

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